K-12 Funding, Town Halls, & More

Updates from Senator Tim Knopp.

Tim Knopp

K-12 Education Funding

For several weeks I've advocated for a K-12 Budget of $8 Billion. For too long the Democratically controlled legislature has been putting education far down on the list of priorities for our state. In Senate District 27, the current funding proposed by Democrats will make it impossible for our local school districts to properly being reinvesting in education and may force more budget cuts. Last week I appeared before the Ways & Means SubCommittee on Education in support of amendments that provide an $8 Billion K-12 Budget. I am hopefully the majority will join me in reinvesting in Oregon schools.

You can view my testimony on OLIS. It begins 1 hr. 30 min. into that committee meeting.

Joint Town Hall Schedule

This week I'm announcing a joint town hall schedule with Representative Gene Whisnant covering Redmond, and Sunriver. Please see the details below.


When: Friday, March 27th at 3:00 PM
Where: Redmond City Hall

716 SW Evergreen Ave.,

Redmond, OR 97756

When: Saturday, March 28th at 9:30 AM
Where: Sunriver Public Library

56855 Venture Lane 
Sunriver, OR 97707


SB 752 - Biomass

I testified on SB 752, declaring biomass to be carbon neutral, in Senate Environment and Natural Resources. I've co-sponsored this bill with Senator Edwards. I believe this bill to be good environmental policy but also good for the economy by promoting the use of biomass. You can view my testimony on OLIS.

SB 760 - Crop Donation

I also testified in favor of SB 760 increases the tax credit for crop donation made to help feed hungry Oregonians. Oregon is a hungry state. Promoting the donation of perfectly good food that can feed help feed our state in a worthy goal. If we make it more attractive for local farmers to donate crops they don't sell as opposed to destroying them, we will begin making strides against hunger in Oregon. You can view my testimony on OLIS.

What's in My Inbox?

I've received a lot of contact from Oregonians on a variety of issues this session. Below are the top five issues you've been emailing me about.

  1. Mandatory Vaccination (SB 442 -2): 977 Emails
  2. 2nd Amenment: 370 Emails
  3. Lowering Compulsory School Age (SB 321): 290 Emails
  4. Low Carbon Fuels (SB 324): 259 Emails
  5. K-12 Funding: 121 Emails

Best Regards,


Senator Tim Knopp

email: Sen.TimKnopp@state.or.us I phone: 503-986-1727
address: 900 Court St NE, S-309, Salem, OR, 97301
website: http://www.oregonlegislature.gov/knopp