Senate Judiciary Committee to Hold Hearings on Gun Control Bills
Chair of Senate Judiciary Committee, Senator Floyd Prozanski, issued a statement that he would hold a public hearing and possible work session for Senate Bills 347, 699, 700, & 796. The public hearing is set for Friday, April 5th, 8:30am to 12:00pm in Hearing Room 50 in the Oregon Capitol Building (900 Court Street NE, Salem, Oregon, 97301).
This is the first time this session that the Senate has moved any of the gun control bills that have been introduced. Since the introduction of these bills, I have received thousands of emails, phone calls, and letters on this issue. Therefore I wanted to make sure to have that these issues receive the widest dissemination.
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Gun Control Bills Up For Hearing on Friday
The following are a brief description of the bills:
SB 347: Modifies crime applicable to possession of firearm, or instrument used as dangerous weapon, while in or on school grounds.
Prohibit guns in K-12 schools; exceptions: This bill would establish a statewide policy prohibiting carrying a gun into a K-12 school building, but a local school district could "opt-out" of this policy and allow individuals to carry guns in their school buildings.
SB 699: Modifies laws prohibiting possession of firearms in public buildings.
Concealed Carry in Public Buildings: The bill would require CHL holders to carry their gun concealed in public buildings.
SB 700: Requires person to request criminal background check before transferring firearm to any other person outside the transferor's immediate family.
SB 796: Requires person applying for concealed handgun license to pass firing range test.
"Live fire" training for CHL applicants: The bill would require CHL applicants to complete "live fire" training as part of the gun safety program.