Oregon State Legislature Senator Bill Hansell News Update


Senator Bill Hansell
R-Athena, District 29

Phone: 503-986-1729     900 Court St. NE, S-423 Salem Oregon 97301
Email: sen.billhansell.or.us     Website: http://www.leg.state.or.us/hansell

Office of State Senator Bill Hansell



This is my  first newsletter to let constituents know what I've been up to. 

The first week of the Legislative session went well. I met with several officials including State Treasurer Ted Wheeler, Gov. John Kitzhaber, and Labor Commissioner Brad Avakian. I also attended a second amendment rally at the Capitol on Friday. I believe responsible gun owners should not be punished for the negligent and careless actions of others. Water related issues will be addressed during this session. So far I am the chief sponsor of two pieces of legislation that have been assigned bill numbers. They include:


Senate Bill 487:  This bill expands offense of violation of slow-moving vehicle emblem requirements to include display of slow-moving vehicle emblem on a highway for purpose other than what is required under law. A link to the full text of the bill can be found here: https://olis.leg.state.or.us/liz/2013R1/Measures/Text/SB487?BillFileId=56722


Senate Bill 497: Directs Oregon Business Development Department to submit report related to Umatilla Chemical Depot and how the depot could be used to expand Oregon's economy and provide opportunities for economic development. A link to the full text of the bill can be found here: https://olis.leg.state.or.us/liz/2013R1/Measures/Text/SB497?BillFileId=56732


As always, feel free to contact my office. It is an honor to represent Senate District 29 in the State Legislature.  


