This week the Senate unanimously approved Senate Concurrent Resolution 12. It honors United States Marine Lance Corporal Nathan Windsor. The resolution explains his heroism best:
. . .just prior to his death, Nathan Windsor gave warning of the ambush, thus ensuring
that he was the only American casualty that day;
This session I introduced Senate Bill 418 to protect the privacy of student records. Technology is becoming more central to education every day. Protecting the private information of students is crucial. Senate Bill 187, passed the Senate unanimously and contains major elements from SB 418. This is good policy for our state.
Senate Bill 752 declares biomass to be carbon neutral, taking a rule previously created by the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) and making it law. It is chief sponsored by Senator Chris Edwards (D-Eugene), Chair of the Senate Environment and National Resources Committee, and myself. The bill passed out of committee last week on a unanimous, bipartisan vote and did the same on the Senate Floor.
Money for Mirror Pond removal project clears first legislative hurdle - The Bulletin
Passed unanimously by a committee, the bill would allow the state to raise $5 million through lottery bonds for a project that would replace the aging Mirror Pond Dam with a structure that would preserve the pond, improve fish passage and allow the city to develop part of the waterfront.
House Bill 3283, sponsored by Reps. Knute Buehler, R-Bend, Gene Whisnant, R-Sunriver, and Sen. Tim Knopp of Bend, also a Republican, was sent to the state’s budget-writing committee hours before a deadline could have imperiled the measure this session.
 My youngest daughter Grace (center) celebrated her 7th birthday this week at the Capitol. Also pictured: Emilie Knopp (right).
 Here I am with Nick Gentry, a Junior Defensive Lineman from the Southern Oregon University Raiders NAIA National Championship Team. He was also a standout player at Mountain View High School in Bend.
(emails, letters, & phone calls)
- 2nd Amendment (SB 941): 4,101
- Mandatory Vaccination (SB 442 -2, SB 895): 1,214
- E-cigarettes (HB 2546, SB 415): 376
- Lowering Compulsory School Age (SB 321): 305
- Low Carbon Fuels (SB 324): 259
- K-12 Funding: 198
Best Regards,
 Senator Tim Knopp Senate District 27
email: I phone: 503-986-1727 address: 900 Court St NE, S-309, Salem, OR, 97301 website: