Project next steps
Key direction from the OTC included an environmental peer review, an independent highway cover evaluation and more public engagement.
Environmental peer review
As directed by the OTC, ODOT is convening a panel of experts from across the nation to conduct a peer review of the Project’s air quality and noise reports prepared for the Project’s Environmental Assessment. A summary report of the peer review findings will be completed and available for the public to view by June.
The peer review findings will inform the Environmental Assessment. FHWA and ODOT will also complete the EA process by responding to the comments received and revising the EA as necessary. Based on this information, FHWA will then issue a decision document.
Independent highway cover evaluation
Aerial graphic showing (in green with white hashing) proposed location of lids and adjacent areas for potential development
During 2020, ODOT and partners will collaborate to explore design options for the proposed highway covers. Following direction from the OTC, ODOT is hiring an independent consultant that will evaluate the highway cover design options. The consultant team will consider:
- Opportunities the current highway cover design concepts offer for community development
- Community vision for the highway covers, how might the highway covers design concept be modified, and what it would take from an engineering standpoint to provide that community vision
- What options promote economic development and growth potential in line with the marketplace
The OTC directed ODOT to begin this analysis in response to interest from key stakeholders. A draft report is expected this summer, with a final report due to the OTC by October 2020. This consideration and analysis of the highway covers will include community engagement activities, particularly during spring and summer. This study, along with other ongoing technical analysis, and community engagement will continue to inform overall Project design.
Public engagement activities continue
Participants engage at a discussion group February 2020
While community involvement in this Project has been ongoing for years, it is not done and we have a lot more work to do. With only 15% of the Project design completed, ODOT will meaningfully engage the community in a two-way dialogue to design a Project that honors the history of the community that was harmed when I-5 and other public and private developments were built and provides the best options for a vibrant future. Engagement will be guided by an outcomes-based approach that provides transparent and intentionally-developed input opportunities, activities and outreach events.
The Project team will host community engagement events in 2020 to hear from the community to inform Project process and design. Public engagement opportunities include the Executive Steering Committee and Community Advisory Committee public meetings, discussion groups, surveys, open houses, direct outreach, briefings for community organizations, Project site tours, and other activities.