DCAR Newsletter - January 2015

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The AGA CPE Luncheon on Jan. 21, 2015, will feature a representative from Maximus Consulting who will present the effect of OMB's new 'super-circular' on the state.

Two hours CPE is $20, and lunch is included.  The luncheon is limited to the first 50 people who enroll.  To reserve your spot, email your name, phone number and email address to agaokc@cox.net, and state that you plan to attend the Jan. 21 luncheon.


Employee Tax Refunds

Employee payroll tax withholdings are not authorized to be refunded to an employee once withheld from their payroll. Refunds will not be given for those employees who did not submit a W-4 in time for payroll processing. All agencies should have a deadline for employees to submit W-4 changes. The effective date of the new W-4 will be the beginning of the next pay cycle for the employee. This is in compliance with IRS regulations. When the effective date entered is before the beginning of the next pay cycle, the system will recalculate the taxes already withheld for a closed period and this is not authorized by the IRS.

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Correcting W-2s

Corrected W-2 forms must be delivered to OMES by Feb. 20, 2015. Please send the original W-2, a copy of the corrected form and a letter explaining why the correction is needed. If the correction is due to a statutory canceled warrant which is not to be replaced, please also send a letter asking that the warrant not be replaced. Note: Because a warrant has been canceled by statute is not a reason for such a W-2 correction. If it was a valid payroll payment, the employee is still entitled to a replacement warrant; therefore, the original W-2 is correct.

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Social Security Number Changes

If an incorrect social security number (SSN) has been entered into the HCM system, please contact the OMES HelpDesk to have the number corrected.  DO NOT create another employee in the system; this will only compound the issue.  Employees with multiple EmplIDs must have data combined onto the one correct record and requires many corrections and changes in the HCM system.

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Reporting Requirements for Repayments of Prior Year Wage Amounts

Repayments from employees made in the current year (2015) that are for overpayments of wages in a prior year (2014 or earlier) must be repaid at the gross overpayment amount in accordance with Internal Revenue Service regulations. A Corrected W-2 or a W-2C, as applicable, is required to be completed and sent to OMES. Only Social Security and Medicare wages and taxes are corrected on the Form W-2 or W-2C.

DO NOT correct Federal or State taxable wages or income taxes. The employee received and had use of the funds during the year of overpayment and as such, the amounts are taxable for federal and state purposes. The employee may be entitled to either a deduction or credit on their current year (2015) Form 1040. Please advise them to speak to their tax accountant. Additional instructions for Form W-2 and Form W2-C are available on the IRS Web site. For assistance, contact Lisa Raihl at (405) 521-3258, lisa.raihl@omes.ok.gov or Jean Hayes at (405) 522-6300, jean.hayes@omes.ok.gov.

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Submission of OMES Form 94P Tidbits

When submitting the OMES Form 94P, Overpayment Refund Request, please do not provide copies of personal checks.  The form allows the agency to enter the amount paid back which indicates to OMES that the overpayment has indeed been paid.  Additional back up data is not required.  

The form requires the State EmplID be entered.  This has been changed for the privacy and security of the employee. Please do not submit with the social security number or any other number. 

Please complete and submit the Form 94P as soon as the employee has paid back the overpayment to the agency.  Timely submission helps ensure full recovery of retirement amounts.  If the retirement system is not aware of an overpayment and the pending overpayment refund request, payouts to former employees may be incorrect and result in a loss to the agency. In addition, retirement calculations may be incorrect if the overpayment is not corrected timely.

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Payroll Processing and Submission Requirements – Reminder

As a reminder, agencies must submit payroll information to OMES by the established deadlines.  The deadlines are set for your protection.  Agencies failing to meet deadlines are putting their employees at risk of not being paid on payday.  The responsibility for late payroll is on the agency if deadlines are not met by the agency.  OMES will notify agency directors when payroll is not submitted by 3 p.m. five business days prior to payday. 

Agencies will submit the following payroll documents to OMES Transaction Processing:

  1. The final Budget Check Report
  2. The final Claim Document – signed
  3. The CA GL Interface Trace File  

Agencies that interface payroll (higher education) will submit the Validate PFT Funding Report if there is a Budget Deficit on the Final Budget Check Report.  

All documents must be received five business (5) days prior to the actual pay date to ensure adequate time for audit and processing.  Once OMES receives the documents, the reports will be reviewed and the payroll will be released to be picked up by a process that sends the checks and direct deposits to the Office of State Treasurer (OST) for further processing.

Payroll documents must be received by 3 p.m. in order for payroll to be released to the OST file on that day.  If the paperwork is not received by 3 p.m., the payroll will be held until the paperwork is received.  

The following email address should be used for submitting payroll documents to Transaction Processing for payment of payrolls.  This should also be used for general correspondence on issues involving the submission of payrolls. This is a group email that allows several Transaction Processing staff to receive the email notice:  payrolltransprocess@omes.ok.gov

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Adjustments to Oklahoma Child Support Payments

Agencies must notify OMES/DCAR of any items that will affect the Oklahoma centralized child support payment. Items that could affect the amount to be paid include refunds to employees for amounts withheld in error and reversals of payroll warrants. If OMES is not notified and payment is processed, the agency will be responsible for contacting the Department of Human Services child support division to attempt to get a refund.  If the funds have already been disbursed to the recipient, the money might not be refunded back to the agency. Timely communication from the agencies is critical in these situations.

DCAR runs the process to report and make payment to the OCSS/Oklahoma Centralized Support Registry, PS vendor ID 0000190715, every Monday.  The process is run for payments with dates from the second previous Saturday through the previous Friday, for example: paychecks with an issue date between 12/27/2014 – 01/02/2015 were processed to pay the child support withholdings on 01/05/2015. All payments going to the OCSS must be set up to use Vendor ID 0000190715.  Payments to Vendor ID 0000000830 or Vendor ID 0000197419 for the OCSS are no longer allowed and will not get processed for centralized payment if used in error.  

In PeopleSoft Financials, a journal entry is created to remove the funds from the agency’s 994 fund.  The agency will see a debit to the 633190 account and a credit to 101000. Institutions of higher education are not included in the central payment process.

For questions, please contact Lisa Raihl at (405) 521-3258, lisa.raihl@omes.ok.gov or Jean Hayes at (405) 522-6300, jean.hayes@omes.ok.gov.

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1099 M Corrections

Please review the 1099's you receive and advise OMES of any changes which you determine necessary. A few blank 1099M forms will be included for you to make any necessary corrections and you may make more copies of the blank form if necessary.  If you have several corrections please contact me and we will be able to create new 1099s with your corrections and forward them to you.  Please return any changes to OMES prior to Feb. 20, 2015.

Please note the following procedures pursuant to such changes in the 1099 documents:

  • For missing addresses or address changes, send us a copy of the 1099 which includes the address you added or changed and include a notation as to the type of change.
  • For name or FEI/SSN changes, send us a copy of the original and the amended document so that we have appropriate reference to the changes.
  • For all transaction changes, please send us appropriate documentation which explains the nature of the amount changes. 
  • Any changes that need to be made after Feb. 20, 2015, still need to be sent to OMES and we will forward the information to the IRS.

In all instances, please make sure that your documentation includes enough information for us to understand your changes, the reasons for them and a contact person in case we still have questions.

Questions or comments should be directed as follows:

Beth Brox at (405) 522-1099 or Beth.Brox@omes.ok.gov.

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On-Demand Budget Checking – Avoid Running

Do not run the on-demand budget checking for your vouchers unless absolutely necessary.  The normal procedure should be to allow the budget checking to occur during the overnight processes.  Our nightly batch processing will match, budget check and run doc tolerance on all vouchers, so there is no need for you to run these for each of your vouchers.  We are aware there is a problem with the amount of time it has been taking to run such jobs since the upgrade, and we are researching it.   Besides the delays with your job running slow, it also slows down many other critical jobs (i.e., daily pay cycle, agencies trying to print their batch slips, etc.).  And under no circumstances should you submit the job multiple times when not getting results as fast as you would like, since this just adds to the problem with all jobs running slow.  Therefore, until we can get the run time down on this job we ask that you avoid running budget checking unless absolutely necessary.

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Oracle Report Formatting

We are receiving help desk cases concerning the formatting of several reports changed by the upgrade.  This issue is being reviewed with technical staff.  Most, if not all, of the issues have been reported, but if you believe there is a new finding and a report is not providing correct data, thus creating operational problems for you, please submit a help desk case to report it.  Even if it is just a spacing issue we welcome your request.  We will continue to work on making improvements to the reports.

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New Voucher Rejection Procedures – UPDATE

As announced in last month’s newsletter, a new voucher rejection process is being implemented. You should be seeing the changes any day now if not already.  This process uses the “attachment” feature available in Oracle 9.2 that links rejection notices to the voucher records. This allows users to view vouchers and see the corresponding rejection notices. 

Agencies under the Voucher Imaging Program will be sent an email notification to the agency when there is a voucher rejection. There is a hyperlink to access the voucher so you can see the rejection reason.  The rejection is an attachment to the voucher (listed on the top right corner of the Invoice Information tab of the voucher).

For agencies still submitting the actual voucher documents, the rejection notice is being attached to the voucher record in the system and a copy is included with the voucher when returned to your agency as usual. Agencies interested in the Voucher Imaging Program for scanning voucher documents and submitting only a file containing the scans along with the Voucher Batch Slip Notice will need to contact Steve Wilson at (405) 521-4679 or steve.wilson@omes.ok.gov.

To facilitate the e-mail notification, DCAR must have the proper contact information for the voucher preparer.  All voucher contacts should update their PeopleSoft System profile by following these instructions:

  1. Go to Main Menu → My System Profile (located at the bottom of the Main Menu).
  2. Under the section labeled Workflow Attributes, make sure the “Email User” and “Worklist User” boxes are checked.
  3. Under the section labeled Email, verify if the email address listed is correct. If there is no email address, check the box for “Primary Email Account” and enter your email address.
  4. Click ‘Save’ at the bottom of the screen.

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Bankruptcy Notices Received

OMES posts current notice of bankruptcies on the state comptroller’s website under ‘Related Topics’ - Bankruptcy Notices Received.  They are notices of bankruptcies received by the attorney general’s office on companies and individuals possibly doing business within the state. There could be possible concerns if your agency is currently contracting with said company or individual or attempts to contract with them.  Bankruptcy notices are generally time sensitive and require immediate (or near immediate) attention, therefore, agencies should review this webpage often.

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Volume 25, Number 7
Fiscal Year-2015
January 15, 2015


In This Issue ...


Change of Date for the Certified Government Financial Manager Course

The Oklahoma City Chapter is once again offering the Certified Government Financial Manager courses here in Oklahoma City.  The initial dates for the course were from March 4-11, 2015.  Those dates have changed. The new dates for the class are March 2-6, 2015.  The meeting place is the same as announced, the Jim Thorpe Building in the HCM small training room. The training offers 40 hours of CPE and the cost will be $1,150 to $1,500 which makes it very affordable CPE.  Please contact Riley Shaull at riley.shaull@oesc.state.ok.us with any questions.

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AGA CPE Luncheons

The Oklahoma City Chapter of the Association of Government Accountants offers one-hour CPE luncheons almost every month throughout the year.  Luncheons are held in the Burk Burnett Board Room at the National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum, 1700 NE 63rd.  The cost is $15 for members and $20 for non-members.  Mark your calendars for the following CPE events:

Jan. 21st:
11:30 – 1 p.m.
Speaker:  Bill Maus; Maximus Consulting
Topic: Super Circular
Cost: $20
2 hour CPE course

Feb. 11th:
11:30 - 1 p.m.
Speaker:  Carol McFarland and Sara Cowden
Topic:  Preparing a Strategic Plan

Mar. 18th:
11:30 – 1 p.m.
Speaker: Bill Miller, National AGA President
Topic: Citizen Centric and Performance Reporting

April 22nd:
11:30 – 1 p.m.
Speaker: Colleen Flory, OMES Performance Division
Topic: Performance Measurement

Year-end party; Date and Venue TBD

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Jennie Pratt, CPA, CGFM
(405) 521-6160 jennie.pratt@omes.ok.gov

General Ledger:
Dan Thomason, CPA
(405) 522-4992 dan.thomason@omes.ok.gov 

Lisa Raihl, CPA
(405) 521-3258 lisa.raihl@omes.ok.gov 

Transaction Processing:
Steve Wilson
(405) 521-4679

Payroll Processing:
Elsa Kunnel
(405) 521-6178

AP Manager:
Patricia Garcia, CPA, CGFM
(405) 522-6855

ISD Finance:
Cathy Menefee, CPA, CGFM
(405) 521-6584

Vendor Maintenance:
Victoria Baker
(405) 522-3093

OMES Service Desk:
(PeopleSoft questions)
(405) 521-2444

Financial Reporting Unit:
Matt Clarkson, CPA
(405) 521-2759

Steve Funck, CPA, CGFM
(405) 521-3231

Steve Funck, CPA, CGFM
(405) 521-3231