Financials Upgrade Buzz! Bug Report Update!

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Bug Hunting Report

Bug graph.

Bug reports shrink as the upgrade progresses

Upgrade defeats bug.

As the graph above shows, the EBS Upgrade Team has been busy finding and destoying bugs in the new 9.2 Financials system. The progression in the chart is exactly what is expected and desired for a project like this one -- a reduction in the number of bugs over time.

Unit Testing (UT) was the first phase of the bug hunt. This is when the EBS Upgrade Team first got access to the system to begin testing all the separate modules and fuctions. As expected, this is the phase that resulted in the most bugs.

The second phase of testing was Integration Testing (IT). This testing involved taking all the separate modules and functions tested in Unit Testing and running tasks from beginning to end through the entire system. Bugs decreased 76.5% from UT to IT.

User Acceptance Testing (UAT) started last week and so far, bug reports are down 74% from IT.

There are a few bugs that have proven to be a little harder to eliminate, but the Team and the agency partners continue to work for resolutions to all of the bugs.

COR214 Payroll to AP Process Manual - Reminder!

New, important chapter available for AP users

There is new, important information available for AP users in the COR214 Payroll to AP Process manual. A new chapter on Reconciliation has been added and all AP users are encouraged to review it before Go-Live!

EBS financials manuals and other resources are, and always have been, available on the EBS Financials Page for end-users to download and use at their convenience. Just look for manuals and resources with a 2014 date.

How to Use EBS Manuals

EBS manuals do not train individual agency business processes. They are PeopleSoft manuals to teach end-users how to use the software. How your agency uses it and what your agency requires as data and input for the software is a business process and can vary greatly from agency to agency.


Best Practice

  • All manuals are Microsoft Word documents.
  • Download the manual you want.
  • Add your agency business processes in the appropriate spots within the manual.

And there you have it -- one resource that includes important technical information about the software AND your own agency rules!

EBS Videos

Don't forget to take a look at all of the 9.2 Financials Upgrade Delta Training Videos here.

The EBS Upgrade Team encourages all users to review the videos -- regardless of the content -- in order to get a look at the new 9.2 environment. 


Milestone Map

User Acceptance Testing continues

Agency partners will visit the EBS Upgrade Team again this week to put the new 9.2 financials system through its paces. They are providing valuable information about how the system works when it comes to the day-to-day business of the state.

New adjustments and information are coming in daily about the project, so be sure to keep an eye on this spot for new and updated information. For those of you keeping track on the map above, we have finally reached Testing. Follow along on your own Milestone Map.

The Cache

Dear Upgrade...

Do you have a question, comment, or suggestion?

Send Upgrade a message at


Just the FAQs

What is Delta Training?

Delta Training means training the differences between 8.9 and 9.2.

What do you mean by fewer clicks?

As most of the articles have suggested, "fewer clicks" focuses on navigation.

Training Info


Navigation 9.2 Video

Budget Detail Search Video

Information Icon Video

Incomplete Voucher Video


COR430      COR411   COR417  

COR431      COR414   COR451

COR432      COR415   COR437

COR403      COR412   COR416

COR433      COR406   COR412

COR416      COR434   COR438

COR405      COR436   COR435

COR108      COR113   COR132

COR131      COR214

Coming Soon

E-Pro Requestor Video

More updated manuals

Upgrade robot running