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 Notice anything different? How about the new OMES logo? OMES has done some remodeling and being on target with our new trend we present to you our newly revamped Newsletter. This is now the Central Accounting & Reporting Newsletter or CAR Newsletter for short. It's really all of the same information with a new look and a new name. We hope you enjoy.
Upon employment termination, agencies must terminate
employee general deductions and benefits. This will prevent errors if the
employee is rehired as these items process automatically if not terminated.
Upon rehire of an employee, agencies must verify all data,
including general deductions and benefits. All data must be verified that
it is set up correctly for the new position.
Failure to complete these steps could result in items
processing through payroll that may not be correct. Items processed incorrectly
causes reporting errors and undue burden on others outside the payroll
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OMES Human Capital Management has been reviewing
data for accuracy due to new reporting regulations. In the past, employees have
been left in an active status even when they are not actively working. This
practice is no longer acceptable and inactive employees must be separated.
Agencies have been instructed by HCM to run the GO_PY_NOT_PAID_SINCE_PROMPT
query in PeopleSoft HCM, using the date of Dec. 31, 2014, and to review the
employees on the list. All employees who are not currently active are to have a
termination row entered in PeopleSoft HCM.
The termination date must be entered retroactively. For example, if the
last check for an employee was November 2013, then enter the corresponding date
is the termination date. If an employee was on leave and never returned from
leave, enter the termination date that corresponds to the end of the leave
Additionally, for those employees who terminated after Jan. 1, 2015, you
must also fill in the ACA Employee Eligibility page. The employee will need
history as of 1/1/2015. Therefore, if the initial load did not enter data for
the employee, enter the appropriate status as of 1/1/2015 or as of the employee’s
hire date, whichever is later. Then, enter a second row for the termination.
Agencies have been asked to complete this task by July 31, 2015. If you have
any questions, please contact the HCM Division at
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Agencies must notify OMES CAR of any items that will affect
the Oklahoma centralized child support payment. Items that could affect the
amount to be paid include refunds to employees for amounts withheld in error
and reversals of payroll warrants. If OMES is not notified and payment is
processed, the agency will be responsible for contacting the Department of
Human Services child support division to attempt to get a refund. If the
funds have already been disbursed to the recipient, the money might not be refunded
back to the agency. Timely communication from the agencies is critical in these
CAR runs the process to report and make payment to the
OCSS/Oklahoma Centralized Support Registry, PS vendor ID 0000190715, every
Monday. The process is run for payments with dates from the second
previous Saturday through the previous Friday. For example: paychecks with an
issue date between 6/27/2015 – 7/03/2015 were processed to pay the child
support withholdings on 7/06/2015. All payments going to the OCSS must be set
up to use Vendor ID 0000190715. Payments to Vendor ID 0000000830 or
Vendor ID 0000197419 for the OCSS are no longer allowed and will not get
processed for centralized payment if used in error.
In PeopleSoft Financials, a journal entry is created to
remove the funds from the agency’s 994 fund. The agency will see a debit
to the 633190 account and a credit to 101000. Institutions of higher education
are not included in the central payment process.
For questions, please contact Beth Brox at 405-522-1099, or Jean Hayes at 405-522-6300,
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Please complete and submit the OMES Form 94P as soon as the
employee has paid back the overpayment to the agency. Timely submission
helps ensure corrections are reflected in the quarter in which they occurred
for proper reporting and also helps in the full recovery of OPERS retirement
amounts. If the retirement system is not
aware of an overpayment and the pending overpayment refund request, payouts to
former employees may be incorrect and result in a loss to the agency. In
addition, retirement calculations may be incorrect if the overpayment is not reported
Please do not provide copies of personal checks. The
form allows the agency to enter the amount paid back which indicates to OMES
that the overpayment has indeed been paid. Additional back up data is not
The form requires the State EmplID be entered. This
has been changed for the privacy and security of the employee. Please do not
submit with the social security number or any other number.
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The State Contribution Fund, Vendor ID # 0000000467, is
setup to process using the wire payment method. This vendor should be
used for tax payments due to OMES for payroll withholding taxes due that were
not processed through the payroll system (for example 1042-S non-employee
withholding, third party sick pay taxes) and for backup withholding on
Please do not use vendor # 0000000090 for tax payments that
must be submitted to OMES for these items. Payments made in error to OMES
vendor # 0000000090 causes delays in the taxes being provided for payment to
federal and state entities. If Vendor # 0000000090 is used, we will
not get the money timely, the taxes will be late, and the agency will be
responsible for any late penalties or interest.
Agencies that have taxes due on items not processed through
the payroll system need to process and submit payment to OMES (Vendor ID #
0000000467) immediately for timely deposits to the IRS.
Agencies that have vendors requiring backup withholding on
miscellaneous claims need to process and submit payment to OMES (Vendor ID #
0000000467) at the same time payment is made to the vendor.
When payment has been processed, please immediately forward
the paperwork detailing the transaction to Lisa Raihl or Jean Hayes so that the
wire payment can be matched and the taxes can be timely paid.
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Agencies that receive the Office of the State Treasurer’s Participant Old/New Routing Number Report must update the banking
information for the employee(s) listed. OST’s current ACH application
automatically updates bank routing numbers based on the latest table of Federal
Reserve Bank routing numbers. This update allows the items to continue
processing for payment.
When an update is made, a report is generated listing the
employee, the incorrect bank routing number and the correct bank routing
number. This report is distributed to agencies to update employee banking
information. This report is sent out by OMES to the contact listed for the updated banking information. These updates must be made so transactions will
continue to process without interruption after migration to the new
If banking information is not updated before OST goes live
with the new application, items with invalid routing numbers will be rejected
and not processed to pay. The new application will validate the submitted
information against the latest Federal Reserve Bank routing numbers table and
will reject the transaction if the bank routing number is determined to be
invalid. If an item is rejected, it will not leave OST to be paid and
additional processing by the agency will be required to pay the employee(s).
Again, it is imperative that these updates be made so transactions will
continue to process without interruption after migration to the new
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Beginning Jan. 1, 2016, Higher Education institutions
will be required to process payroll and perform reporting for their employees
as individual employers. OMES is
currently working on this transition with the institutions of higher
education. OMES has a new subscription topic that is being used to disseminate information to interested parties.
To receive updates, click Subscription Update to subscribe to the topic Higher Education Payroll
Processing & Reporting. Once on the subscription page, select Subscription Type
"Email", enter your email address and click the "Submit"
button. At the top of the subscription page, select the "Higher
Education Payroll Processing and Reporting" topic. Other topics are
available and can be subscribed to as desired. When finished, select “Submit”
at the bottom of the page and your preferences will be saved.
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There is a new designated area on the website for the higher
education separation project. All
information that has been published can be found in this one area on the OMES CIO website.
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The FY 2016 interest rate applicable to late payments to vendors
has been set at 0.02% per annum, or $0.00005 per $100 per day, which will be in
effect July 1, 2015, through June 30, 2016. This interest rate is provided by
the State Treasurer based on the average interest rate for thirty day time
deposits of state funds during the last calendar quarter of the last preceding
fiscal year. (Titles 62 § 34.71 & 34.72 and 74 O.S. § 840.16A and OMES Prompt Payment Rules/Regulations)
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Unless otherwise
provided by law, all self-sustaining boards created by statute to regulate and
prescribe standards, practices, and procedures in any profession, occupation or
vocation shall pay into the General Revenue Fund of the state ten percent (10%)
of the gross fees charged, collected and received by such board. 62 O.S. § 211
When transferring receipts
to State General Revenue, Agency 00000, please use class fund 19X00. X will be the last digit of the fiscal year the
transfers apply to. Example: 19600 for FY16 receipts. Please contact Dan Thomason at 405-522-4992 with
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We have just completed the
first two quarters of the 2015 tax year; it is time for ALL agencies to
run the Miscellaneous 1099 Tax Information Report which will include all
transactions from Jan. 1, 2015
through June 30, 2015. The path for this report in PeopleSoft Financials
is: Accounts Payable>Reports> Payments> Misc Tax Information Report.
With this report please review the following:
- The Name and Tax ID number
(TIN) must match the information on the vendor’s W-9, which designates the way
the vendor reports their taxes to the state and IRS.
- Pay attention to the 1099
Flag: Y means the vendor should receive a 1099, and N means the vendor should
not receive a 1099. A vendor does not need a 1099 if it is registered as a
corporation, non-profit or government entity (the exception to this is when the
payment is for a legal or medical services).
State employees in most cases should have an N 1099 flag. All other vendors should have a Y 1099
flag. If you have any questions about a
vendor’s 1099 status please request an updated W-9 from the vendor.
- Please note that Address 1 in the vendor file is the
designated address for 1099 reporting. If the vendor’s 1099 Flag is N, any new
addresses provided will be added as a different location, but Address 1 will
not change.
- Review all warrants processed
for each vendor to ensure that the correct amount is listed for the proper
vendor. (Any warrant corrections will
need to be made at the agency level.)
Please send any corrections on
this report to the Office of Management & Enterprise Services (OMES) by Friday, July 31, 2015. If you have any
questions contact Beth Brox at 405-522-1099 or by e-mail at
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In July, OMES will TIN match
with the IRS all vendors who have received 1099 reportable payments for the
first half of tax year 2015. By doing
this we hope to provide more correct information on the original 1099 that the
vendor receives as well as cut back on the amount of corrections required at
year end when time is limited. We will
notify individual agencies of vendors that don’t match with the IRS asking for
them to provide the necessary correcting information. Please be ready to respond promptly if/when
you are notified. Please contact Beth
Brox at 405-522-1099 or by e-mail at if you have any questions.
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The OMES Vendor Payee Form has been updated. Please replace
all previous versions of the document. You may access vendor forms via the DCAR
Forms Page.
Additionally, the OMES Electronic Funds Transfer Enrollment
Form is currently being updated. All previous versions will no longer be valid
effective Sept.1, 2015. Updated forms will be provided to vendors via the
secure EFT registration process.
To reduce the possibility of fraud, vendors should not be
provided the EFT Bank Change Request Form for changes to the CORE vendor file by
paying agencies. Please ensure all agency personnel follow proper procedures to
update the vendor record to facilitate the EFT enrollment process.
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To add EFT information to an existing vendor file, the
vendor should provide the email address and contact information for the
individual authorized to register the banking information on behalf of the
payee. The vendor may either submit the
OMES Vendor/Payee Form to the paying agency or they may be instructed to e-mail
the information to Vendors should be instructed not to email
bank account information.
Agencies requesting updated information from vendors should request
the following information:
Tax Id
Number (Federal Employer Identification Number or Social Security Number)
Name (Legal Name on file with the IRS)
Business As’ Name (Additional DBA name if applicable)
Address (include 9-digit zip code)
Contact Name of authorized
representative (must be authorized to complete the state online financial
registration process, verify bank account information, and other information
necessary to process electronic payments.)
email address
Once the email address is added, the vendor will then
receive an email with instructions for EFT registration to include a Security
PIN, PeopleSoft Vendor ID Number, the OMES EFT Enrollment Form, and a link to
the online registration portal. Agency personnel should advise their vendor to
expect receipt of the email and to complete both the online registration steps
and EFT Enrollment Request form. The vendor or the vendor’s financial
institution should submit the completed form directly to the Office of State
Treasurer via fax at 405-521-4994 or by mail.
Agency personnel should not accept bank forms from vendors.
To make changes to existing EFT banking information, the
vendor should contact Vendor Registration to verify business and payment
information. Vendor may also contact the
OMES Help Desk to request a case be assigned to Vendor Registration with EFT
changes needed. To protect the vendor’s financial information, the vendor
should not provide EFT information to the Helpdesk or to the agency directly.
The vendor may also notify Vendor Registration of changes to
remittance information by responding directly to the remittance advice email
received for previous payments. OMES Vendor Registration will contact the
vendor directly for account verification and to request additional information
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All changes, including reactivation, require the OMES
Vendor/Payee form, the OMES Add Employee/Board Member form, or OMES Garnishment
form. Each form requires correct payee
information, payee signature, agency instruction, agency authorization and
submission to ensure proper processing.
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The agency should not request a new Vendor ID be
created using the OMES Vendor/Payee form.
The vendor should contact OMES Vendor Registration via the
OMES Service Desk at 405-521-2444 or email to provide the
A new
Vendor/Payee Form or IRS Form W-9
A written explanation of the
changes occurring for their business or tax filing status on their company
“Disregarded Entities” must provide only the parent entity’s
tax identification number. No independent TIN is authorized for procurement or
payment purposes per IRS filing guidelines.
If the vendor is a registered vendor they will also need to
contact the agency buyer, the buyer assigned to their statewide contract, if applicable
and Vendor Registration to ensure that all records are updated. The vendor must register the new entity name
and tax ID number with the IRS, OK Secretary of State, the Oklahoma Tax
Commission, and the financial institution.
In addition a new vendor registration must be completed.
A. Complete new vendor registration to include:
New Name
New Trade name (DBA)
New SOS Filing Number(s)
New OK Tax Permit Filing Number
New EFT Bank Authorization (showing bank account matching new business name)
New Category Codes
All current accounts under the business name and TIN will be
changed to “Not Open for Ordering” to prevent the creation of new POs and/or
Contracts. Vendor Registration will
communicate to all agencies with current PO and payment activities the
effective date of PO and payment activity changes based on IRS guidelines. This
will determine whether payments may continue to be made to existing vendor IDs
while changes are made.
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Vendor File Requests - email to or fax to
Vendor Registration Requests – to verify vendor registration
data or to convert a Bidder to a Vendor -
Vendor Customer Service - For Vendor EFT, Registration or
Business Name and/or Tax Identification Number Change questions or requests,
the vendor should contact the OMES Service Desk, 405-521-2444 or
Vendor Remittance Advice -
Important: Vendors needing assistance with payment
information or needing to make changes to vendor information should first
contact the agency with which they do business.
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