Weekly Focus - July 17, 2015

An update and information report for doctors who provide consultative exams for OOD’s Division of Disability Determination
Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities

Kevin L. Miller, Executive Director

July 17, 2015

The mission of the Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities Agency is to ensure individuals with disabilities achieve quality employment, independence and disability determination outcomes.

ADA 25th Anniversary

ADA 25th

As mentioned in last week’s Weekly Focus, July 26th marks the 25th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), signed by President George H.W. Bush on July 26, 1990.  The ADA made the United States the international leader on this civil rights issue.  Next week, OOD will be joining the Center for Disability Empowerment at The Commons, 160 South High Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215, to celebrate the ADA.  We will have a table and handing out agency branded ADA celebration stickers.  The ADA Legacy Bus will also be present.  We will keep you posted on upcoming ADA events. 

Ohio Department of Education Transition Partnership

Through the Transition Services Partnership with the Ohio Department of Education (ODE), 26 dedicated Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors will be embedded in career technical planning districts and other local education agencies throughout the state. OOD is in the process of hiring new or assigning existing counselors to these positions. These counselors will collaborate with students with disabilities, their families, educators and other local partners to provide person-centered vocational guidance, counseling and employment services. 



A kick-off event for these counselors, along with education personnel and other local partners is being scheduled for September and will include a strong focus on interagency collaboration to ensure a seamless system of support across multiple agencies.

Ohio Workforce Association Meeting

The Bureau of Services for the Visually Impaired Deputy Director Mindy Duncan, Vocational Rehabilitation Program Specialist Katie Scheetz and Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation Assistant Deputy Director Kristen Helling attended the July 15th Ohio Workforce Association Collaborative Meeting to support discussion on program alignment and partnerships, as Ohio moves forward with implementation of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). 


This meeting provided OOD an opportunity to share agency updates and provide technical assistance on increasing access to workforce services for individuals with disabilities.


Consumer Advisory Committee

The Consumer Advisory Committee (CAC) is meeting tomorrow, Saturday, July 18th at OOD.  Discussion topics include the VR Portal, Youth Leadership Forum, and participating in the Commissioners' Retreat on August 5th.   



If you are a former consumer of OOD and are interested in becoming a member of the CAC, please contact Shirley Marchi by phone at 614-438-1477 or e-mail at shirley.marchi@ood.ohio.gov.  For more information about the CAC please visit http://www.ood.ohio.gov/About-Us/Consumer-Advisory-Committee/CAC-Mission-and-Membership.

Job Ready Status by County

Individuals in Job Ready Status* Statewide: 3,898


(For larger map and county details please click here)

Job Ready Status by County

*Job Ready Status: Have received Vocational Rehabilitation services and are ready and seeking employment.

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