
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
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Request for Applications for Environmental Excellence Awards

DEC is accepting applications for the 2016 Environmental Excellence Awards program. All applications are due by close of business on April 8, 2016.

The Environmental Excellence Awards recognize and give visibility to outstanding, innovative and sustainable projects or programs. Eligible applicants include businesses, educational institutions, not-for-profit organizations, government agencies, and individuals implementing innovative, sustainable actions or working in creative partnerships to improve and protect New York’s environmental resources and contribute to a viable economy.

Webinar on How to Submit a Competitive Award Application

DEC has scheduled a webinar on Wednesday February 24, from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. to provide details about the awards program and how to submit a competitive application. Participants will also hear from previous award recipients about the benefits of receiving statewide recognition. Those interested in learning more about the awards program and how to submit a competitive application must register online.

Action Plan for Reducing Nitrogen on Long Island Being Developed

Nitrogen levels in the groundwater and surface water of Long Island are troublesome. The DEC, working in cooperation with the Long Island Regional Planning Council (LIRPC), Suffolk County, Nassau County and several stakeholders, is developing a Long Island Nitrogen Action Plan (LINAP) to address the problem.  The plan is in its early stages, and a Conceptual Draft Scope for the Long Island Nitrogen Action Plan is available for public review.  The draft scope sets forth the goals, planning structure, tentative schedules and tasks.

DEC, LIRPC and the Counties want to hear from stakeholders throughout the development of the LINAP and there will be many opportunities to be involved.  For example, next week, there are three project scoping meetings to gather input.  Information on the development of the LINAP, ongoing opportunities to provide input, and current versions of supporting documents are available on the DEC’s LINAP webpage

Municipal Mini-Grants for Asset Management Inventory Development

The deadline is January 31 at 5:00 p.m. for the Syracuse University Environmental Finance Center’s (EFC) call for proposals for their Municipal Mini-Grants for Asset Management Inventory Development program.  Three grants of up to $5,000 will be awarded to rural municipalities in New York State.  More information and the application form are available on Syracuse EFC’s website.