WAVE Sampling Season has Ended just as the white house gives formal recognition to the value of citizen science

New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
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WAVE Sampling Season has Ended just as the White House gives formal recognition to the value of citizen science

The WAVE Sampling season officially ended yesterday, September 30. Thank you to everyone who participated!

I received approximately 300 site proposals since last spring!  Please submit your samples before November 1st. I've repeated instructions on how to submit your data below my tag line.

I also want to share some exciting announcements about citizen science that were released yesterday at the Citizen Science Forum at the White House. These included tools, funding, and legislation all geared to encourage and support citizen scientists like yourself: https://goo.gl/Iw2VRK

Concurrently, the scientific journal Ecology released a report titled, "Investing in Citizen Science Can Improve Natural Resource Management and Environmental Protection" (http://www.esa.org/esa/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Issue19.pdf).

I'm sharing this with you to emphasize that it is an exciting time for citizen science and that you are part of something that is of national interest and importance. Thank you for your contribution!

Alene Onion

WAVE and PEERS Coordinator, NYSDEC, 625 Broadway, Albany, NY 12033

Phone: 518 402 8166 Email: wave@dec.ny.gov


Instructions on how to submit your WAVE data:

Submit your voucher collections and data sheets before November 1st. The simplest way to do so is to mail them to me (see address below) using the USPS packaging instructions for small volume flammable liquids (http://pe.usps.com/text/Pub52/pub52apxc_010.htm). If you prefer to drop these off at a NYSDEC regional office, please notify me in advance so that I can reach out to staff at that office and confirm that they can receive the samples.

I’ve already received and processed several samples. I am emailing the sample results to the collectors as soon as I process them. **NEW** this year, I am also continuously updating a Google map with all the sample results: https://goo.gl/3MBxAm

Also **NEW** this year, I am actively requesting and recording your perspective. Many WAVErs have specific concerns which they are trying to tackle. Others are simply enjoying the process and taking lots of photos. Whatever your perspective, I want to give you the opportunity to share your experience. Feel free to write a summary, send along photographs, or provide a report or summary you've written for another purpose. I am uploading these documents to the google map linked above.