Lights On After School
Lights On After School is a nationwide celebration of after
school programing. On October 16th,
many of our network partners had celebrations to bring in new youth, raise more
funds, and show off their programs to the community. Youth programs and youth
workers often fly under the radar and don’t get the praise they deserve. The
programs are essential to the growth of our community. Check out our celebration of these programs!
Spotlight Article
 East Side Network Cafe
Nov. 10th 10am-11:30am at Arlington Hills Community Center
North End and Friends
Nov. 13th 9:30am-11am at North Dale Rec Center
Leap Forward Collaborative for Youth
Nov. 18th 10am-12pm at Mt. Airy Boys and Girls Club
Neighborhood Learning Community
Nov. 20th 12pm-1pm at Baker Center
Learn more about Neighborhood Network Teams, and let us know if you'd like to be on the listserv for one or more of these groups.

Sprockets held our Fall Youth Program Quality Assessment (YPQA)
training on October 22nd and it was a packed house! Out-of-school time providers from all over
the city came to learn many valuable skills including how to evaluate their
programs and how to identify staff training needs. With concrete numerical data hard to come by,
youth programs can be particularly difficult to evaluate but evaluation is critical
to quality youth programs. Along with
evaluation is training. To grow programs
staff also need to grow and professional development is the backbone to this growth. Check out our upcoming professionally development opportunities
to strength your organization and your programs!
 Sprockets Conference
February 27th, 2015
Contact Jocelyn Wiedow ( for more information.

The Afterschool Alliance released their annual America After
3pm report which is a synopsis of the state of out-of-school time in the U.S. Although
the report does not strictly focus on Minnesota, it does do a great job of
presenting and analyzing a lot of data on out-of-school time activities. . Visit their Key Findings for a quick snapshot at some of the data!
Professional Development Opportunities
Foundational Skills Workshop: Quality Coaching
Nov. 5, 2014
9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
360 S. Colborne St.
Foundational Skills Workshop:
Introduction to the Active-Participatory Approach
Nov. 20, 2014
10 a.m. to noon
Arlington Hills Community Center
Click for class descriptions, registration, and more upcoming opportunities.

comes to Sprockets with experience working for St. Paul based
non-profits including Northern Star Council and The Sanneh Foundation.
He brings a passion for communication which will help him spread the
word about Sprockets’ out-of-school time partners. He is a St. Paul
native and is a graduate of St. Paul Central. He received his
bachelor’s degree in Rhetoric and Discourse from Beloit College in 2011.
 - Women's Initiative for Self Empowerment: Girls Getting Ahead in Leadership
- Createch Studio: A space for teens to be creative with technology
-Hallie Q Brown: After School Enrichment Program