Spring Land Use Newsletter

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April 20, 2023

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Welcome to the St. Louis County Land Use Planning news updates. You are receiving this message because you signed up for planning updates with the St. Louis County Planning and Community Development Department. This resource will keep you updated with information about the Land Use Planning.

 Land Use Planning

Spring Planning – Flood Risk

Happy Spring! We know you’re just as eager as the Land Use Division to jump into your spring planning. With the heavy snow fall this winter, the likelihood of spring flooding is well above normal in many parts of the state. We want to be sure you are aware of some helpful resources to monitor and prepare for flood risk in your area!
The MN DNR does a great job at notifying the public on flood safety and risk management:

Is My House in the Floodplain? - YouTube

What can (and should) I do about fluctuating water levels on my property? (state.mn.us)

Floodplain Management | Minnesota DNR (state.mn.us) The DNR will be updating this page to include information on:

  • Mapped flood zones
  • Frequently asked flood questions
  • Useful web sites of other agencies & organizations
  • Post disaster information for local officials
  • Flood insurance information

Shoreland Alterations

Protecting shoreland areas reduces potential erosion, improves fish and wildlife habitat, increases shoreland privacy, and adds to the aesthetic value of our shoreland areas within St. Louis County. Our goal is to protect shoreland areas and make landowners aware of the allowed land alterations. You can find information on allowed land alterations at our website. In addition, we have created some helpful fact sheets to provide more information on different types of land alterations.

Short Term Rentals

Did you know renting your property in St. Louis County requires a permit? Yes! St. Louis County Ordinance 62 requires a permit for short term rental – defined as any home, cabin, or similar building represented to the public as a place for sleeping accommodations on a less than 30-day basis.

In January of 2023, we worked on ordinance amendments to update our Short Term Rental application process. New information on the short term rental process and its requirements can be found on the Land Use Division page.

Meet Our New Planners!

Meet our new Land Use Planners! Ada Tse, Paul Butler, and Skyler Webb. Ada joined our team in January 2022, Paul & Skyler both joined us in January of 2023. We look forward to having them on our team and watching them grow in their new roles. We’ve asked them to provide a brief message to help introduce themselves.

Ada: “Hi, I’m Ada. I grew up in Duluth and love living in the Northland. My family and I enjoy spending our free time doing anything outdoors, whether it is exploring the woods or paddling in the water. I had been in the urban water resources field for nearly 10 years. Now I am excited to be part of the Land Use team of St. Louis County where I get to be part of the great work and projects that aims to protect and preserve the natural resources of the rural Northern Minnesota.”

Paul: “Hi I’m Paul Butler. I grew up in Grand Rapids, Minnesota. I enjoy hunting, fishing, snowmobiling and pretty much anything outdoors. I have worked in the natural resource field for 10 years and counting. I enjoy working with landowners and communities with environmental and natural resources projects and issues and am excited to be a member of St. Louis County.”

Skyler: “Hi I’m Skyler Webb, local Iron Ranger and outdoors lover. I grew up hunting, fishing, and enjoying Northern Minnesota and I am passionate about the future of this area. In my free time you’ll catch me on a boat or 4-wheeler way out in the middle of nowhere with my two dogs Jemma & Snort. I’m excited to work in a position so closely tied to the use of our beautiful area.”

Contact Us

Land Use (stlouiscountymn.gov)

Feel free to reach out to us with any questions! Please contact:

Duluth Office: 218-725-5000

Virginia Office: 218-749-7103

Email: landuseinfo@stlouiscountymn.gov