Third Annual Sustainability Fair
Third Annual Fair is created in collaboration with the University of
Minnesota, the City of Lauderdale, the City of Falcon Heights, and the
Three Rivers Park District.
free event highlights sustainable practices going on in our community
while educating others on how to bring sustainability home with them.
The fair is geared up for all ages to engage community members to work
together protecting our natural resources and environment for a more
resilient future. Together, we can change the world by sharing our knowledge and bringing diverse skills to the table.
will be local vendors attending that will provide information for new
resources such as tiny homes, native plants and rain gardens,
sustainable energy, improving water quality, waste management, solar
power, wind energy, lead detection information and more!
For more information, visit: http://www.ci.saint-anthony.mn.us/index.asp?Type=B_BASIC&SEC={50F53720-B561-466F-B92B-B1A424161DC4}
 Thank you to the Ramsey Conservation District Board and staff for hosting the State of the Waters - Drinking Water in Ramsey County.
 OVALumination is back!
Come out to the Guidant John Rose MN OVAL to celebrate the 3rd annual
OVALumination! On November 20th, 2015 at 6:15pm we will be lighting up
the trees for the season.
OVALumination is a celebration fit for the glamour of the holiday
season. It’s free to view or
enjoy skating
underneath the lights. Admission is only $5.50 and skate rental is
just $4.00.
Every year we focus on making OVALumination bigger and better by
lighting the OVAL with more sparkling holiday lights and fun surprises.
This year is no exception, along with more lights and family events,
OVALumination will be partnering with
Knitteapolis, the Minnesota yarnbomber, who adds colorful soft street art one yarnbomb at a time. Knitteapolis
will be yarnbombing the front of the OVAL with colorfully knit yarn,
enhancing OVALumination’s holiday cheer with an unexpected twist.
#KnitTheOVAL is sponsored by
North American Banking Company!
Like the
OVALumination Facebook Page | Use the hashtag #OVALumination or #KnitTheOVAL when tweeting or posting photos of yourself at the OVAL
I35E MnPASS Lanes Opening November 30
New MnPASS Express Lanes on I-35E between Little Canada Road and Cayuga Street will be opening at the end of the month.
Two new tag options will be available to new MnPASS customers on
Nov. 17, 2015. - the Switchable Tag and the Sticker Tag. Existing customers may continue using their existing
transponder until the battery wears out. When the battery wears out the
transponder may be disposed of and customers should call MnPASS
customer service to request a new tag.
Find out where to get a tag at http://mnpass.org/35e.html.
2015 Election Results
Many communities held elections for City Council, Mayor, and/or School Board this year. Want to see the results? Just visit Ramsey County Elections for all of the results.
Ramsey County Yard Waste Collection Sites
Open Through November 30
There is still time to bring your leaves and branches to your local Yard Waste Collection Site. The seven sites around the county will be open until the end of November - weather permitting.
Mon: 11am-7pm Tue: CLOSED Wed: 11am-7pm Thu: CLOSED Fri: 11am-7pm Sat: 9am-5pm Sun: 11am-5pm
For more information, visit: http://www.co.ramsey.mn.us/ph/rt/yard_waste_collection_sites.htm.
Get a Free Composting Starter Kit
Ramsey Recycles is offering Free Organics
Recycling Starter kits that include a 3-gallon bin with a locking cover,
compostable bags, information on recycling and the organics recycling
punch card. Bring the card in for five punches (one each time you drop
off organics) and you’ll get a free Ramsey Recycles T-shirt. Starter
kits are available at all of the Ramsey County Yard Waste Sites. Just
tell the Yard Waste site attendant that you want to get started
recycling organic waste!
Click here to learn more!
District 2 in the News
Upcoming Events around District 2
November 19 - Sustainability Fair
November 20 - Ovalumination Tree Lighting
December 5 and 6 - Holiday Craft Safe to benefit HANC
December 11 - Holiday Rose Gala
February 6 - North Metro Community Home and Garden Show
 Thank you Lori Sturdevant for a great kick off to the Women and Public Service conference at Hamline University! |