Feedlot Update - June 22, 2012

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Feedlot Update

June 22, 2012

Feedlot Program Q&A

In locating sites for manure stockpiles, what is the minimum flow distance of the location to surface water?

Answer below, following the Calendar.

Flurry of feedlot staff changes among counties, state

A number of staffing changes have occurred recently in the MPCA and county feedlot programs. Several county staff have moved to MPCA: Allison Remer from Stearns to St. Paul, Sara Isebrand from Blue Earth to Mankato, and Molly Costin from Wadena to Detroit Lakes. Interviews are under way for a vacancy in the MPCA southwest region. 

Recent county feedlot staff appointments

Mark Janson has joined the feedlot program staff in Rock County. He is a native of Brandon, SD, and graduated from Lake Area Technical Institute majoring in environmental technology. Previously, he worked at the Farmers Co-op Elevator in Montevideo. 

mark janson
Aimee Zimmermann started June 11 in the Wadena County SWCD office, filling the vacancy occurring when Molly Costin moved to the MPCA Detroit Lakes office. In addition to the feedlot program, Amy’s work includes the Wetland Conservation Act (WCA) and noxious weed control. Previously, she worked for the Nature Conservancy on prairie restoration, operating from the Litchfield office of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. She grew up on a small family farm near Little Falls. In 2011 she graduated from St. Cloud State majoring in environmental science.  

Aimee Zimmermann
Mark Manderfeld replaces Sara Isebrand, who moved to the MPCA Mankato office. Previously, Mark worked for eight years in the Blue Earth County assessors office. In addition to feedlots, his new duties include code enforcement and building permits. 

Brian Krippner started work April 16 in the Kittson County SWCD office. In addition to the feedlot program, his work includes WCA, co-county ag. inspector, shoreland, planting, and assisting NRCS with CRP management. He graduated in December 2011 from St. Cloud State majoring in environmental studies.

Jennifer Kaminskie started work June 18 in the Stearns County feedlot program, filling the vacancy left by Allison Remer. Since 2006 she worked in the county environmental services office on SSTS projects and inventory. She is a native of Richmond, and graduated from Eckerd College in St. Petersburg, Florida, with a major in environmental studies and minor in biology.

mark manderfeld

Douglas County accepting applications until July 6

Douglas County is accepting applications for the ag/feedlot technician post until July 6. This position will assist with the administration of the county feedlot program and enforcement of the county subdivision and zoning ordinances, especially as related to feedlots, animal agriculture and other related issues. Apply at the Workforce Center, 303 22nd Ave W #107, Alexandria MN 56308 (320) 762-7800 or on line at www.co.douglas.mn.us. This will replace Andy Siira, who recently accepted a dairy inspector job with the Department of Agriculture. At last report, a vacancy also remains in Olmsted County following the retirement of James Stannard.

The Feb. 14, 2012 issue of the Feedlot Update newsletter carried articles and photos of new county feedlot staff: Goodhue - Virginia Westlie, and Dodge - Chad Knudson. A meeting via desktop computer for county feedlot staff is scheduled June 27. Training for new county feedlot staff is scheduled for Aug. 8 and 9 in Rochester. 

Legislature extends ban on open swine manure basins

The 2012 Legislature extended the prohibition on open air swine manure storage basins for another five years. The change was part of the Omnibus Environment Policy Bill (HF2164/Chapter 272):
 Sec. 73. Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 116.0714, is amended to read:
    The commissioner of the Pollution Control Agency or a county board shall not
approve any permits for the construction of new open air swine basins, except that existing
facilities may use one basin of less than 1,000,000 gallons as part of a permitted waste
treatment program for resolving pollution problems or to allow conversion of an existing
basin of less than 1,000,000 gallons to a different animal type, provided all standards are
met. This section expires June 30, 2012 2017

MDA names water quality certification advisory committee

The Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) announced the membership of the advisory committee that will help develop the Minnesota Agriculture Water Quality Certification Program. The new program is the result of an agreement between Governor Mark Dayton and federal officials, with the goal of enhancing Minnesota’s water quality by accelerating adoption of on-farm water quality practices. The committee will provide recommendations to MDA Commissioner Dave Frederickson regarding the development of the program, as well as its specific features.
Membership will be as follows:
  • Douglas Albin, farmer and Chairman of Yellow Medicine County Corn Growers
  • Dennis Berglund, CEO and General Manager, Control Crop Consulting
  • Nathan Collins, president, Swift County Farm Bureau and Murdock City Council Member
  • Elizabeth Croteau-Kallstad, executive director, Cannon River Watershed Partnership
  • Dean Fairchild, assistant vice president, Mosaic Company
  • Dennis Fuchs, district administrator, Stearns County Soil and Water Conservation District
  • Kirby Hettver, farmer and member of Chippewa County Corn and Soybean Growers
  • Jim Kleinschmit, Rural Communities Program director, Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy
  • Bob Lefebvre, executive director, Minnesota Milk Producers Association
  • Mike Myser, mayor of Prior Lake
  • Doug Peterson, president, Minnesota Farmers Union
  • James Riddle, supervisor, Winona County Soil and Water Conservation District
  • Kris Sigford, water quality director, Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy
  • James (Tony) Thompson, farmer and member of North Heron Lake Game Producers Association
  • Bill Zurn, farmer and past president of Minnesota Soybean Growers 

Livestock grazing projects advance in grant process

Several livestock projects are among 65 proposals to receive further consideration for funding from the Legislative Citizen Commission on Minnesota ResourcesOn June 5 the LCCMR selected 65 proposals requesting a total of approximately $79 million to present before the Commission and receive further consideration on June 19, 20, 27, and 28. 
  • Controlling Terrestrial Invasive Plants with Grazing Animals, $52,000, Hiawatha Valley Resource Conservation and Development, Inc. Connects livestock producers with landowners to develop a cost effective environmentally-friendly BMP to control invasive terrestrial species through planned grazing, and then transfer this knowledge to others in region.
  • Conservation Grazing to Improve Wildlife Habitat on WMAs, $1,200,000, MN DNR. Disturbance invigorates grasslands and livestock grazing is one management tool. This project provides infrastructure to support conservation grazing on 10,000 acres of targeted WMAs in partnership with local livestock producers.  .
  • Enhancing Environmental and Economic Benefits of Woodland Grazing, $380,000, U of M. Demonstrate/assess that managing woodlands used for grazing can provide environmental and economic benefits: improved water quality, reduced soil erosion, enhanced species diversity, and improved forage and livestock performance.
The Legislative Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources is made up of 17 members: Five senators, five representatives, five citizens appointed by the governor, one citizen appointed by the Senate, and one citizen appointed by the House. The LCCMR makes funding recommendations to the legislature for special environment and natural resource projects, primarily from the Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund (ENRTF). Since 1963, more than $735 million has been appropriated to more than 1,700 projects. 

In the news

News release, 6/11/12
The Farmer, 6/6/12
Agri-News, 5/31/12
Agri-News, 5/31/12
MPCA news release, 5/10/12
News release, 5/9/12
News release, 5/8/12

MPCA Public Notices


June 23: Breakfast on the farm, 8:30-12:30, New Heights Dairy, Rice.
June 28: Discovery Farm field day, Meyer Dairy Farm, Sauk Centre
July 9-10: Minnesota State Cattlemen's Association summer beef tour, Little Falls.
July 11: Organic Field Day, Southwest Research and Outreach Center, Lamberton.
July 19: Food and agriculture national conference, Minneapolis Hilton. 
Aug. 7-9: FarmFest, Gilfillan Farm, Redwood County.
Oct. 16-18: Minnesota Association of County Feedlot Officers annual convention, Willmar.

In locating sites for manure stockpiles, what is the minimum flow distance of the location to surface water?

Answer: 300 feet of flow distance and at least 50 feet horizontal distance to surface water, sinkholes, rock outcroppings, open tile intakes, and any uncultivated wetlands not seeded to annual farm crops or crop rotations involving perennial grasses or forages.

Send us your news

The MPCA Feedlot Update welcomes news submissifrom partners about, projects, people, and upcoming events. Email submissito forrest.peterson@state.mn.us. Please note that the MPCA has switched to a new service, called GovDelivery, to deliver the Feedlot Update. To ensure delivery of these messages, please add mpca@public.govdelivery.com to your address book or safe sender list. Past issues of Feedlot Update are available on the feedlot program publications webpage.