ICYMI: The State of the State

Governor Dayton delivers his 2014 State of the State Address

View the full photo album of the State of the State Address on Governor Dayton's Flickr page here.

Minn. Gov. Dayton notes accomplishments, but 'work left to do'

Star Tribune | May 1, 2014

Gov. Mark Dayton gave a forceful defense of his economic and job-creation efforts Wednesday night, prodding legislators to invest more in education and transportation while spending ambitiously on state projects.

“While we have made great progress toward a better Minnesota, it should also serve as a reminder of the work left to do,” Dayton said. “We have to invest in growth, quality and effectiveness.”

The DFL governor used his final State of the State address before the election to stress that the state is now on firm financial footing and better positioned to make lasting improvements for coming generations. As part of that focus, he is seeking a new look at education, which he says should include more class days and keeping schools open longer each day. [Read More]

Gov. Dayton

State of the State: Greater Minnesota gets Dayton shout-out

Grand Forks Herald | April 30, 2014

Gov. Mark Dayton focused much of his State of the State speech Wednesday night on greater Minnesota, from HitchDoc in southern Minnesota's Jackson to the Kelliher schools in the north.

He used areas outside the Twin Cities to tout the state's economic growth, but also to illustrate what he sees as the need for more state spending.

"This economic growth is happening all over our state," the Democratic governor said. [Read More]


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May 1, 2014 |  State of the State


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Dayton Seeks ‘Unity Of Purpose’ In State Of State

WCCO | April 30, 2014

Gov. Mark Dayton appealed Wednesday for a “unity of purpose” among lawmakers seeking to push Minnesota forward, saying differing political philosophies shouldn’t keep them from achieving progress in a state that he says is “much better than before.”

In the capstone State of the State address of his term, Dayton asked the Legislature to keep the idea in mind as they finalize tax-cut and spending bills in coming weeks that rely on a budget surplus. He urged them to pass a $1.2 billion construction projects bill, which is substantially more than one under consideration. [Read More]

Andersen plans $18 million expansion

Star Tribune | April 30, 2014

Devastated by the Great Recession, windows and doors manufacturer Andersen Corp. hunkered down in recent years and tried to weather the housing market’s spectacular bust as best it could.

The state of Minnesota helped in the site-selection process by awarding Andersen $625,000 from the Department of Employment and Economic Development’s job creation fund — a figure that is tied to certain performance goals. The fund is among $24 million in business incentives pitched by Gov. Mark Dayton and approved during the 2013 legislative session. [Read More]