DNR news release, March 6, 2014

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DNR invites public input on rock climbing in Banning State Park

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources is hosting an open house on Thursday, March 13, to provide information and answer questions about a proposal to allow rock climbing at Banning State Park. The open house will be from 6 to 8 p.m. in the secondary cafeteria at East Central High School, 61085 State Highway 23, Finlayson.

The open house will be informal and anyone can attend. DNR staff will be available to answer questions and invite feedback on a draft amendment to the park’s 1980 management plan that would make Banning the fifth Minnesota state park to allow rock climbing.  Climbing is currently allowed in Blue Mounds, Interstate, Tettegouche and Temperance River state parks. Most climbing activity at Banning State Park would be bouldering on the sandstone outcrops along the Kettle River, but several portions of the park have potential for roped climbing.

A popular destination for campers and paddlers, Banning State Park includes 6,237 acres that straddle the wild and scenic Kettle River near Sandstone, about 90 miles north of the Twin Cities. Several rapids on the river offer some of the state’s most challenging canoeing and kayaking opportunities. Park trails circle the remains of the historic Banning townsite and sandstone quarry and lead to a scenic waterfall, Wolf Creek Falls.

A copy of the draft management plan amendment is available online at www.mndnr.gov (www.dnr.state.mn.us/input/mgmtplans/parks/banning.html).

Those unable to review and comment on the draft amendment at the open house can submit comments via phone or email to:

Comments will be accepted through Friday, April 11.
