DNR news release, Oct. 11, 2013

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DNR NEWS – FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                         Oct. 11, 2013

Many public lands remain open to hunters, recreationists during federal government shutdown

Now that hunting season is underway, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) wants people to know which public lands remain open during the federal government shutdown.

Minnesota’s wildlife management areas, Walk-In Access areas and state forests are open during the shutdown. State fish and game licenses as well as federal duck stamps can be purchased at any DNR license agent, online at www.mndnr.gov/buyalicense and via telephone at 888-665-4236.

Minnesota’s 76 state parks and recreation areas and state trails remain open. To check if a particular park is a state park, refer to the map online www.dnr.state.mn.us/state_parks/map.html or contact the DNR Information Center at 651-296-6157, toll-free 888-646-6367 or info.dnr@state.mn.us.

The Superior and Chippewa national forests remain accessible and available for hunting and fishing. U.S. Forest Service offices and visitor centers, including those in Superior and Chippewa, are closed.

National wildlife refuges and waterfowl production areas, which the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service manages, are closed during the shutdown, according to the federal agency.

Find more information about the status of federal lands and waters impacted by the shutdown at www.doi.gov/shutdown/index.cfm.
