Minnesota's Accommodation Fund - Supporting Employment of People with Disabilities
In keeping with Governor Dayton's Executive Order 14-14, Admin is pleased to announce the launch of Minnesota's Accommodation Fund. This fund reimburses Executive Branch agencies providing reasonable accommodations to employees and job applicants with disabilities. Starting today, agencies may submit requests for reimbursement.
We've prepared this quick overview of the Accommodation Fund process for Commissioners, Deputy Commissioners, Chief Financial Officers (CFOs), Human Resources (HR) Directors, and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Coordinators. We're counting on you to take advantage of the fund as a tool to support increased state employment opportunities for people with disabilities!
What You Need to Know
Agencies may currently seek reimbursement for expenses from the first six months of fiscal year 2016 (July 2015 through December 2015). The deadline to submit your reimbursement request for this period is January 31, 2016.
Your agency's ADA Coordinator will be responsible for submitting the reimbursement requests for your agency. If you choose to designate an alternative contact, send the name and contact info to AccommodationFund@state.mn.us.
Three types of accommodation are eligible for reimbursement. They are:
- any accommodations provided to a job applicant; - accommodations provided to employees on a periodic or ongoing basis; and - one-time accommodations made for an employee with costs greater than $1,000.
What You Need to Do
Obtain a signed Employee Consent Form from the employee who received the accommodation.
- Confirm that you have a Reasonable Accommodation Agreement with the employee.
- Collect the receipts or invoices showing the devices or services purchased as part of the accommodation. You will be required to submit these materials as part of your request for reimbursement.
- Prepare your application. You can use our Online Application Form or the Excel Application Form -- recommended for those submitting multiple reimbursement requests. You'll find links to both options at mn.gov/admin/accommodation-fund, under the Apply for Reimbursement tab.
- If you use the online application form, you will need your unique login name and password. These will be sent to ADA Coordinators on Monday, December 21. We've created a training guide and training video that provide step-by-step instructions on completing your application.
For More Information