Register Today for a Free Financial Seminar with Walsh Professionals

Oakland County Health Division

Register Today for a Free Financial Seminar with Walsh Professionals

Registration is open adults 50 and older who want to empower themselves to make sound financial decisions. The Oakland County Senior Advisory Council and Walsh College is hosting a free financial seminar for adults 50 and older and their families on October 15th from 10am until noon at Walsh College’s Troy Campus, 3838 Livernois. Register online at or call 248-858-4902.

Walsh professionals will present on the following topics:

  • How to avoid scams
  • What are the “must have” legal documents when estate planning
  • How to determine whether a reverse mortgage is the right choice for an individual
  • How to reconcile accounts, hidden fees and automatic bill pay on savings and checking accounts

No sales pitches with this seminar, just independent experts!


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