Cluster Chronicle October 7, 2014

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Michigan WDA WOrkfoce Development Agency

October 7, 2014

In This Issue...

Welcome to the Cluster Chronicle

This e-newsletter was created in order to share information, best practices, and events with partners and stakeholders of the Michigan Industry Cluster Approach. We hope that you find this information of use and look to you for future news and articles. If you have anything you would like to share, please email

The MICA Team

Marcia Black-Watson, Industry Talent Director
Christopher Knapp, Industry Talent Director
Florine Davis, Cluster Team Administrative Support
Erin Duckett, Industry Talent Specialist
Rick Fisher, Industry Talent Specialist
Rey Guzman, Industry Talent Manager

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MICA Team Releases Toolkit for Success

Now available to YOU is a series of tools, templates and guides to assist cluster leaders in the development of local industry cluster groups.  These tools are designed to be adaptable to local policies, practices, and environment. 

Available within the Toolkit:

MICA Readiness Index
Cluster Readiness and Progress tools allow local regions to evaluate their capacity and preparedness to develop a demand-driven system.

MICA Resource Guide
State level programs and resources available to support local industry cluster initiatives.

MICA "Commitment to Clusters" Form
Template that regional stakeholders can use to document and communicate information about local industry cluster groups/projects to the WDA cluster strategies team.

Cluster Digest Submission Form
Help us to help you showcase your local cluster activity by using this form to provide basic information about your group/project, share promising best practices, and raise the overall profile of your local industry cluster efforts.

Civilian-to-Military Occupation Translator Tool
Identify relevant military experience by matching your civilian job opening to military careers that use similar skills.

Prosperity Regions Talent Map
A web-based tool for workforce, economic development, and education/training stakeholders to "collaborate, connect, and create" to better serve their employer customers.

  • Prosperity Regions Talent Map Overview
    Provides a high-level overview of the Prosperity Regions Talent Map, including some of the background/rationale for the project.
  • Prosperity Regions Talent Map User Guide
    Contains some basic information about how the site is organized, several quick tips and accompanying screenshots for how to use the map, as well as some specific user case stories that will help demonstrate some of the functionality that is available through this tool.
  • Prosperity Regions Talent Map "Insert Data" Template
    One of the tools that will be used to collect/prepare data for the "bulk uploading" of new partners/resources to the map. The four leftmost columns contain dropdown boxes that allow users to easily populate the cells by clicking on the desired items for industry, region, domain, and partner type. The remaining columns have cells that allow for users to type in text or cut and paste information from another source.

The Toolkit for Success can be found at,5303,7-304-64363-299373--,00.html.

For more information or assistance with any of these tools please contact or a member of the Industry Cluster Team.

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MICA Team and MWA Partners to present at the Michigan Works! Annual Conference

Michigan Works! Association

Title: Industry Leading the Way to Cluster Success
Date: Monday, October 13
Time: 10:15 am to 11:30 am

The goal of the presentation is to highlight local and regional successes in cluster work brought about by exemplary partnerships between industry and workforce.  The workshop will start with a brief overview of the Michigan Industry Cluster Approach followed by a moderated panel discussion with representatives from industry and their cluster convener. The target audience is MWA business services staff, as well as other key decision makers from the Michigan Works! system who are interested in learning about and replicating proven best practices for engaging industry cluster groups and other external stakeholders to become more demand driven. 

Panelists include:
Ag-Partnerships Unlimited Project Eastern Michigan Region
Bonnie Forman, HACCP Manager/Director of Safety, Bayside Best Beans
Jessica Billiau, Special Service Coordinator, Thumb Area Michigan Works!

Michigan Energy Workforce Development Consortium
Tracy DiSanto, Manager of Workforce Planning & Analytics, DTE Energy
Jennifer Llewellyn, Director, Oakland County Michigan Works! Troy

Southwest Michigan Health Care Consortium
Shelly Cichy, Senior Recruiter, Borgess Health
Kara L. Stewart, Business Solutions Professional, Kalamazoo/St Joseph Michigan Works!

Construction Workforce Development Alliance of West Michigan
Norm Brady, President & CEO, Associated Builders and Contractors, Inc.
Deborah Lyzenga, Business Services Manager, Michigan Works! Kent & Allegan Counties

For more information on the Michigan Works! Annual Conference visit:

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Energy Cluster Raising Awareness of Skilled Trades and STEM Opportunities

Get into Energy Logo


Today’s skilled trades and science, engineering, math and technology (STEM) students in Michigan will be tomorrow’s leading energy providers, helping people and businesses power their day and create new and innovative products and services.

To support and raise awareness for skilled trades training and STEM education, Consumers Energy and DTE Energy are working with the Michigan Energy Workforce Development Consortium (MEWDC) to celebrate Careers in Energy Week during October 13-19. The MEWDC, an industry-led partnership of more than 30 representatives of industry, workforce, education, and veterans established in 2009, is one of more than 75 industry clusters across the state - uniquely including statewide industry and partner representation.

Recognized with a proclamation by Governor Rick Snyder, Michigan will join several other states in a nationwide effort to increase public awareness of careers in the energy sector. Energy career opportunities range from lineworkers to power plant operators, customer service representatives to accountants, technicians to engineers, construction workers to mechanics.

The consortium’s activities this fall will include reaching out to 32,000 elementary and secondary school students, recruiting from at least 13 colleges and launching a website,, during Careers in Energy Week, which will serve as a career discovery tool for individuals looking to enter the energy industry, keep the public abreast of energy industry data, and serve as a clearinghouse for consortium information. 

As Michigan’s two largest utilities and the co-chairs of MEWDC, Consumers Energy and DTE Energy combine to employ 17,000 people and hire about 1,200 new employees across the state each year. In addition, the companies also provide co-op and internship opportunities to more than 500 high school and college students every year.

For more information regarding Careers in Energy Week and energy industry employment opportunities, please visit:  

Get in to Energy/Michigan  at
Consumers Energy at 
DTE Energy at
Center for Energy Workforce Development at

To get involved or to become a member of the MEWDC, please contact Erin Duckett, Workforce Development Agency Industry Cluster Specialist at or 517-335-4414.

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Singapore Delegation Visits the WDA

Singapore with Cluster Team
Singapore Quinn

The Singapore Workforce Development Agency ( is a statutory board established in 2003 and reports to the Ministry of Manpower (MOM). Its mission is to lead, drive and champion workforce development, enhancing the employability and competitiveness of Singapore’s workforce.

Singapore's Workforce Development Agency is a relatively new agency and has only been around for about 10 years. Up to this point their workforce system has primarily focused on supply side factors and training workers for emerging industries and occupations, but there hasn’t always been a defined role for employers to play in this process. In an effort to accelerate this shift toward becoming a more demand-driven workforce system, the Singapore delegation wanted to learn more about sector strategies and industry cluster work. For the past year, they have been trying to understand the design and implementation of sectoral/cluster approaches to support a demand-driven system and found the case study on Michigan’s Regional Skills Alliances (MiRSAs) project in the 2012 OECD report “Designing Local Skills Strategies”. They also read about the Michigan Industry Cluster Approach (MICA) (,5303,7-304-64363---,00.html) on the WDA web site ( and how our state has been able to integrate this approach with the entire workforce system.

Their agency is currently organized around key industry sectors but they wanted to take it to the next level in terms of their engagement with employers. They were very interested in understanding how to convene these industry cluster groups and are also very focused on training, especially the apprenticeship model where the employer has a central role to play in helping to prepare the workforce/talent.

The WDA arranged for the delegation to tour Cameron Tool Corporation ( where they learned about the company's apprenticeship program and how Cameron has benefited from its participation with the Capital Area Manufacturing Council and its broader effort to create a regional talent pipeline, provide resources to support training of the apprentices, etc. The group then visited Capital Area Michigan Works! Lansing service center ( to learn about the role of the local Michigan Works! system when it comes to delivering workforce programs and services to job seekers and employers. During their visit to Accident Fund Holdings Inc. ( one of the topics discussed was the critical role the employer plays in the education and training process by influencing curriculum through industry advisory boards, helping to promote key industries and occupations by regularly attending college career fairs and other Council events, etc.

"I was surprised on how similar our issues, concerns and opportunities were between our two Agencies", explained WDA Director Christine Quinn, “I look forward to a continued dialogue and sharing back and forth with our counterparts in Singapore."

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Regional Prosperity Initiative Proposals

The Regional Prosperity Initiative is a voluntary competitive grant process that is included in the Governor’s FY 2014 Executive Budget Recommendation to encourage local private, public and non-profit partners to create vibrant regional economies. The legislature approved the recommended process and the Regional Prosperity Initiative was signed into law as a part of the FY 2014 budget (59 PA 2013).

Funding for the next round of Regional Prosperity Planning Initiative Grants is now available. The submission and application information is available at

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