Governor's Recycling Summit registration is open
Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy sent this bulletin at 03/25/2015 01:14 PM EDT
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Pleasant Peninsulas Newsletter - Recycling and Sustainability
The DEQ promotes wise management of Michigan's air, land, and water resources to support a sustainable environment, healthy communities, and vibrant economy. |
Registration is open!The Governor’s Recycling Summit and 33rd Annual Michigan Recycling Coalition Conference, taking place May 5-7, mark the end of the first year of Governor Snyder’s two year push to double Michigan’s recycling rate. If Michigan is going to emerge as a recycling leader, it’s going to take a concerted effort on behalf of all stakeholders. Understand your role in creating a vibrant recycling economy in your community.
GET all of your recycling questions answered in one place. Don't get left behind! Do your part to help Michigan become a leader again in recycling. Take a seat at the table to get a flavor of what's to come from the Governor's recycling initiative and support Michigan's environment and economy for future generations. The 33rd Annual Michigan Recycling Coalition Conference will follow the Summit May 6-7. Highlights include Keynotes Mark Lichtenstein, National Recycling Coalition & Damon Carson, repurposedMATERIALS, Exhibition Hall networking, and twelve 50 minute sessions exploring a variety of topics ranging from public and private collaboration to the challenge of debris management after disaster to funding and managing the step up to recycling carts.
Please contact the MRC office at 517-974-3672 with any questions. #MIRecycles |