New requirements for equine, swine, cats, dogs and ferrets are now live on the Animal Industry Division webpage. The following is a quick summary of the changes for each affected species.
Equine: Quarter Horses must have a negative equine piroplasmosis test, specifically c-ELISA for Theileria equi within 12 months, if coming to Michigan for racing, training for racing or stabling for racing...visit the equine movement page for more information.
Swine: Pigs coming into Michigan are now classified as either "high risk" or "low risk" and have different testing requirements based on which category they qualify for...visit the swine movement page for more information.
Feline: New requirements went into effect in March for cats being imported to a pet shop or registered animal shelter. These new requirements were recently updated to clarify age and vaccination restrictions...visit the cat movement page for more information.
Canine: New requirements went into effect in March for dogs being imported to a pet shop, registered animal shelter, or large-scale dog breeding kennel (more than 15 breeding females). These new requirements were recently updated to clarify age and vaccination restrictions...visit the dog movement page for more information.
Ferrets: Requirements were recently updated to clarify age and vaccination restrictions...visit the ferret movement page for more information.
If you have any questions regarding these new requirements, please contact AID at 800-292-3939. To view all movement requirements for all species visit the animal movement webpage.