Veterans Update from the Maine Department of Labor

CareerCenter Veterans' News

Memorial Day Recognition and Events

Welcome Home Event

First Lady Ann LePage with The Maine Troop Greeters at the "Welcome Home" to Korean War Veterans. "These heroes are NOT forgotten," the First Lady said on her Facebook page.

The event also welcomed home 180 military men and women from Afghanistan on an incoming flight to the Bangor International Airport.

The following is a list of some of the Memorial Day Weekend events scheduled around the state to honor Maine’s sons and daughters who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country.

Berwick - Memorial Day Parade

Brunswick/Topsham - Memorial Day Parade

Brunswick - Fallen Warrior Ceremony

Cape Elizabeth - Memorial Day Parade

Calais - American Legion Flag Placing

Chelsea - Memorial Day Observance at Togus National Veterans Cemetary

Dover-Foxcroft - Memorial Day Parade

Durham - Memorial Day Parade and Fun Run

Eagle Lake - Memorial Day Parade and Turkey Dinner

Falmouth - Memorial Day Parade

Freeport - Memorial Day Parade

Gorham - Memorial Day Parade

Jackman - Memorial Day Parade

Jay/Livermore Falls - Memorial Day Parade

Kennebunk/Kennebunkport - Memorial Day Parade

Lincolnville - Memorial Day Parade

Litchfield - Memorial Day Parade

Northeast Harbor - Memorial Day Parade

Old Orchard Beach - Memorial Day Parade

Old Town - Memorial Day Parade

Portland - Memorial Day Parade

Sanford - Memorial Day Parade

Scarborough - Memorial Day Parade

Searsmont - Memorial Day Parade

Sidney - Memorial Day Parade

South Portland - Memorial Day Parade

Vassalboro - Memorial Day Parade

York - Memorial Day Parade


A Matter of Duty screening in Bangor on May 22

Please join the Greater Bangor Maine Military & Community Network for a showing of the film A Matter of Duty, Thursday, May 22 in the Donald P. Corbett Building, Room 100 at the University of Maine, Orono.

A Matter of Duty details Kennebec Sheriff Randy Liberty’s personal battle with PTSD and several veterans in his charge at the Kennebec County Jail. Liberty’s honesty about his own condition and his efforts to help other veterans vividly depicts the continuing impact of war on the men and women who have served our country.

5 p.m. - Military resource fair
6 p.m. - Film begins
7 to 8 p.m. - Panel discussion with Sheriff Liberty, his wife and mental health professionals

For more information, please contact Michelle Mason at 207-992-4532 or


Government Jobs in Maine: Job and Resource Fair

Learn about resources available to service members, veterans and their families.

June 17, 2014
10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Augusta Armory

Use your military experience and training to obtain a job with the State of Maine, one of Maine’s municipalities or the federal government.

Learn about opportunities in the following areas and more...

Law Enforcement and Dispatch
Engineers and Transportation Workers
Social Service and Customer Service
Accounting and Tax Examiners
Programming and Computer Technology
Game Wardens
Park Rangers and Attendants
Rehabilitation Counselors

Job Fair Events

- 10 a.m. Keynote Speaker -- Maine’s First Lady, Ann LePage.
- Assistance with online applications and occupational licensing
- An opportunity to obtain your military transcript
- ESGR Statement of Support signing

Please dress appropriately and be prepared for an interview. If available, please bring proof of military service and a resume.

Registration is recommended but not required. Click to register.

For more information, contact Auta Main at 207-623-7975. TTY users call Maine Relay 711.

Sponsored by the Maine Military and Community Network, Employer Support for the Guard and Reserve and the Maine Department of Labor.


Job and Military Resource Fairs

Western Maine Community Job and Resource Fair

May 22, 9 a.m. to noon
University of Maine at Farmington
Fitness and Recreation Center
152 Quebec Street, Farmington

17th Annual Spring Career Fair w/Occupational Licensing
May  28, 9 a.m. to noon 
Spectacular Event Center
395 Griffin Road, Bangor

Attention Veterans! Use your military experience at the 17th Annual Spring Career Fair. Meet with professional staff to become licensed in the following fields:

Stationary Steam Engineer
Boiler Operator
Oil/Propane/Natural Gas
Solid Fuel Technician
Commercial Driver's License.

Mini Job Fair at the Lewiston CareerCenter
June 2, 9 a.m. to noon
5 Mollison Way, Lewiston

In This Issue


About the CareerCenter


Maine CareerCenters offer specialized employment services to help Veterans find jobs get trained, or access services:

  • Help with your job search, resume writing, and interview skills;
  • Career decision-making guidance that will help you translate your military skills to good jobs in the civilian workforce;
  • Information on training or education opportunities;
  • Referrals to other state and federal resources available to Veterans.

Contact a Veterans' Representative Near You!


If you have questions about this email or want to know about services available to you, contact a Veterans' Representative in your area.

DVOP = Disabled Veteran Outreach Program Specialist

LVER = Local Veterans Employment Representative

Augusta CareerCenter,
21 Enterprise Drive, Suite 2
Augusta, ME 04333

DVOP –  Doug Hudson

Tri-County CareerCenter
45 Oak St. Ste. 3, Bangor, ME 04401

DVOP – Lewis Bradford

DVOP – Warren Kerr

Southern Midcoast CareerCenter
275 Bath Rd., Ste. 3, Brunswick, ME 04011

DVOP – Michael Dyer

Calais CareerCenter
One College Drive, Calais, ME 04619-0415

DVOP – Michelle Mersereau

Lewiston CareerCenter
5 Mollison Way, Lewiston, ME 04240

DVOP – Rich Oberg

DVOP – Richard Kowalczyk

LVER – John Wagner

Machias CareerCenter,
53 Prescott Dr., Suite 1, Machias ME 04654

DVOP – Michelle Mersereau

Portland CareerCenter
185 Lancaster Street, Portland, ME 04104

DVOP – Joseph Hughes

LVER – Mark Cafiso

DVOP – Val Graffa

Presque Isle
Presque Isle CareerCenter
66 Spruce Street, Presque Isle, ME 04769

DVOP – Randall Harper

York County CareerCenter
9 Bodwell Court, Springvale, ME 04083

DVOP – Allen Blackstone 

Central Office – Augusta

LVER – Auta Main


Success Story

Joseph Hughes, DVOP speaking of Aviation Machinists Mate Second Class Greg Wilson --

"Greg was a participant the Department of Veterans Affairs Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Program (VR&E) from 2011 through 2014.  The VR&E program provided him with the funding (tuition/fees/books and supplies) and support for the completion of both Associate and Bachelor’s degrees in Occupational Safety and Health.

When Greg completed his degrees/training, he was referred to the State of Maine Department of Labor for employment assistance. He was currently employed by Harbor Technologies in Brunswick and wanted to improve/explore his employment options. Joseph Hughes, Portland CareerCenter DVOP, met with Greg several times over the summer and through the fall, sharing labor market information, discussing prospective job opportunities and developing a resume, cover letter and an individual employment plan.

Greg was very motivated and interested in becoming an Occupational Safety and Health Manager. Joe arranged for Maine's Safety Works! Director, Dave Wacker, to meet with Greg and conduct an informational interview. They had a great meeting, focused on what the job would entail and issues that might come up depending on where he worked. Dave said Greg should keep in touch as questions came up etc.

Greg had a few interviews throughout the fall, which went well and helped him to further narrow down where his real area of interest was--risk management and assessment.  So the job search was well underway and, bingo, in November Greg called to say that he had been offered a fantastic job!  Greg would be starting with N.S. Giles in Bangor, as their Safety Director at an excellent starting salary! Benefits included company car, gas card, paid hotel stays as needed, new computer, option to work from home if sites visits not required, two weeks paid vacation and health benefits as needed.

Greg has been on the job now for three months and is eager to share his story so that others can benefit, too, from working one-on-one with a DVOP, receiving employment services and support.


This veterans' update is provided as a service of the Maine Department of Labor.

Paul R. LePage

Jeanne S. Paquette
Commissioner of Labor