Thinkport Education Newsletter

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Join MPT's Salute to Vietnam Veterans 

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As part of Maryland Public Television’s initiative “MPT Salutes Vietnam Veterans,” the Thinkport team created an oral history service-learning project. Students are invited to sign up for this project and interview Maryland's Vietnam veterans. MPT is providing several locations for the tapings and the Maryland Historical Society will archive the oral histories. For more information, visit the Educator Resources page on the MPT Salutes Vietnam Veterans website.

High School Graduation Rates Hit Record High

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New data just released by the U.S. Department of Education reveals that hard work and dedication pay off. Today, more students will have a better chance of going to college, getting a job, and owning their own home.

Through participation in the American Graduate initiative, MPT is enhancing educational outcomes and opportunities in Maryland.

All About the Holidays!

banner that says All About the Holidays

Add more purpose to the coming holidays by sprinkling in imaginative learning opportunities using activities and videos from PBS LearningMedia. Discover engaging resources about Christmas, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah and New Year’s celebrations.

Learning Camp for Maryland Educators

Join other educators for a FREE innovative and collaborative professional learning opportunity on February 15, 2016. Maryland’s Edcamp, known as the “unconference,” does not have a pre-set agenda. It is a unique experience driven by participants’ interests and suggestions. Edcamp will host four locations across the state.