IHCDA RED Monthly December 2015

ihcda Red Notice

Important Dates

December 11: 2016 Permanent Supportive Housing Institute RFP responses due

Late December: 2016 HOME application policy draft will be posted on IHCDA's website for public comment

Late January: 2016 HOME and CDBG OOR applications will be posted online, application rounds begin

January 31: Annual Owner Certifications of Compliance due

February 25: 2016 RHTC awards announced at IHCDA Board Meeting


RED Notices

RED 15-40 Permanent Supportive Housing
RED 15-41 Environmental Review/Section 106 Update
RED 15-43 Floating Tax Credit Percentage Rate
RED 15-44 2015 Utility Allowances

RED 15-45 2016 RHTC applicant list


IHCDA Around Indiana


IHCDA Executive Director Jake Sipe, and Lt. Governor's Chief of Staff & Board Designee Tonya Brothers- Bridge participated in the ribbon cutting of Hoosier Upland's Stonecutter's Place Apartments in Bedford. The development is part of the city's Stellar Communities development plan. 


RED staff visited Covered Bridge Apartments in Washington after hosting a regional outreach meeting. Covered Bridge Apartments offers affordable housing for disabled individuals and is a Four Rivers Resource Services development.

kait and katie

While out on RHTC site visits, RED Analysts Kait Baffoe and Katie Bannon stumbled upon a Hamilton County Area Neighborhood Development (HAND) sign outside of an Owner Occupied Repair recipient's house.


If your agency has a new staff member who wishes to receive this newsletter, please e-mail danmiller@ihcda.in.gov

This monthly newsletter provides information and updates from the Real Estate Department (RED) at the Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority (IHCDA). If you have a specific interest or subject area that you would like to read more about please contact us.


Opportunities: IHCDA's CDBG Owner Occupied Repair program

Do you think your community could benefit from IHCDA's CDBG Owner Occupied Repair Program? Check out the latest FAQ sheet posted here for information about the program and how it could benefit the homeowners in your community!

Stay tuned for announcements via RED Notices regarding the CDBG OOR program for 2016. Please note that the tentative due date for applications is May and the tentative deadline for HOME applications is early August.


Build capacity: Become a Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO)

Did you know that your organization may receive up to $50,000 in supplemental operational funding tied to a specific HOME project? This opportunity to expand capacity is one of the many benefits of becoming a certified Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO).

IHCDA wants to increase the number of CHDOs throughout the state, so please be aware that future RED Notices will include information about in-depth CHDO capacity trainings in 2016. 

We recommend that you consider certification criteria now as IHCDA's 2017 HOME scoring criteria will heavily favor CHDOs.


Get to know your regional Analyst / Auditor

Meet Katie Bannon, the regional Real Estate Analyst for the Northeast region and Marion County:


I’ve worked for local government in a variety of capacities, most recently as a planner for the City of Bloomington. At the City of Indianapolis, I worked in brownfield redevelopment, code enforcement, and permit review. I’m a University of Illinois graduate and received my Master’s in Urban Planning from Ball State.

At U of I, I became interested community development while working on a class project for an East St. Louis community development corporation. In my free time, I enjoy biking, reading, and exploring new places, both near and far. I also own a small rental company, which focuses on the redevelopment of vacant and dilapidated buildings in historic Indianapolis neighborhoods. I enjoy working with IHCDA community partners to expand affordable housing opportunities in Indiana.


Meet Ryan Splichal, the regional Compliance Auditor for the Northeast region:


I love spending time with my girlfriend and my family, especially my 3 year old niece. I enjoy tennis, racquetball, hiking, and kayaking. I love to cook and hope to open my own restaurant one day.