volunteers and hosts are encouraged to log their hours online. There
are incentives that are mailed to you once you reach critical hours
documented! Log your hours HERE!
and a great big THANK YOU to those volunteers that have reached the
Over 500 Hour Club. You will receive your note in the mail within the
next few weeks.
Volunteers Defined: We love and need them all!
Community Volunteers-Help
on a day-to-day basis at a Park as they are available. Our community
volunteers help with leading hikes, helping with maintenance, assisting
with the visitor or retail center, guide new visitors to park activities
and locations. Those volunteering more than once per month or planning
to volunteer more than 20 hours per year need to update registration.
Hosts (Campground, Yurt, Maintenance, Golf, Train)-Stay
in their personal RV at designated free Host Site for 2-6 months in
exchange for a minimum of 24 hours of volunteer work. Host duties
include: visitor assistance and maintenance. All hosts are required to
update registration to still be considered for hosting.
Group Volunteers-This
is for Churches, Corporations, Scouts and Universities who want a
tailor-made project that will strengthen the group as individuals as
well as a team morale while assisting Georgia State Parks. Only the
group leader will need to be registered in our system.
How are we doing?
order for Georgia State Parks to continue to thrive and grow, even in
these lean budget times, we need to get feedback from those that utilize
our services and Parks. As Volunteers and Hosts, you have the same
rights and anonymity in park observations and feedback as our Park
Staff. Please use this quick survey form to share your experiences with us.
for reading! Please feel free to share with others. If you need to
contact me, Georgia State Parks Volunteer Coordinator: nyleta.wallace@gadnr.org
As always, thank you for being a steward for Georgia State Parks!
Have a great day!