Release Date: January 8, 2024
MEDIA CONTACT: Ursulla Scardina
EMAIL: ursullas@ci.salinas.ca.us
CONTACT TITLE: Communications Specialist
PHONE: (831) 758-7030
The City of Salinas Awards $300,000 in Prevention & Wellness Grants to Local Agencies
Salinas, CA – The City of Salinas has chosen six local agency applicants to be recipients of a Prevention and Wellness grant. During the FY23-24 budget process, the City Council allocated $300,000 to support community-based organizations focusing on public safety. The selected applicants address a range of critical concerns, including homelessness, youth and adult prevention, and wellness services.
An impartial team of raters, comprising both City of Salinas staff and experienced community agency leaders, evaluated the proposals. Awards were granted in accordance with the rankings until the allocated funds were fully expended.
Congratulations to this year’s grantees:
César Chávez Fútbol Academy: Youth mentoring and fútbol coaching to 70 teens guiding them to high school graduation and college acceptance.
California Youth Outreach: Provide effective pre-release and aftercare for youth released from secure confinement for 40 gang impacted youth. Reducing recidivism and crime rates by reducing gang involvement and activity.
Harmony at Home: Provide comprehensive school-wide bullying prevention programming for every school in the Salinas Union High School District and two (2) middle schools in Santa Rita Union School District.
YWCA Monterey County: Provide therapeutic services to victims and survivors of domestic violence and other violent crimes.
Community Homeless Solutions: Provide alcohol and drug counseling services to homeless adults suffering from substance use disorders.
Youth Orchestra Salinas (YOSAL): New youth mariachi band program attire, supplies and facility costs.