Dear District 3 Community,
The County of Alameda is committed to keeping the public informed as we work together to stop the spread of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). In this bulletin, you can read updates from the Alameda County Public Health Department (ACPHD), find resources on new pop-up testing sites in the unincorporated areas in Alameda County, and information on upcoming community events.
For up-to-date data and answers to frequently asked questions, visit ACPHD's dedicated COVID-19 web page.
It is an honor to serve you. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any comments, questions or concerns that you may have regarding the district or Alameda County.
 Wilma Chan Supervisor, Third District
Updates from the Alameda County Public Health Department
Yesterday, the State of California announced that Alameda County has been moved to the Orange Tier.
The Alameda County Public Health Department (ACPHD) is preparing to update the local Health Officer Orders to permit additional activities during the week of October 26. These additional activities will include:
- Indoor dining up to 25% capacity or less than 100 people, whichever is less
- Indoor worship services up to 25% capacity or less than 100 people, whichever is less
- Indoor theaters up to 25% capacity or less than 100 people, whichever is less
- Expansion of indoor retail and malls at up to 50% of capacity and permitting limited food courts
Alameda County's ability to continue reopening is thanks to our community's collective vigilance and commitment to following COVID-19 safety guidelines. As we continue to fight this pandemic, we must continue wearing face coverings, staying six feet away from each other, washing hands frequently and staying home when sick.
I would like to extend my gratitude to Alameda County's residents and workers for working together to drastically slow the spread of COVID-19 in our community. Together, we can continue to stop the spread of COVID-19 and protect one another's health and well-being.
NEW COVID-19 Pop-Up Testing in Unincorporated Alameda County
San Lorenzo Community Church and Eden United Church of Christ are hosting pop-ups for free COVID-19 testing. Testing at both sites is available for anyone, regardless of insurance or immigration status.
San Lorenzo Community Church 945 Paseo Grande, San Lorenzo, CA
2nd and 4th Saturdays (October 24, November 14, November 28) 10 AM-12 PM
Eden United Church of Christ 21455 Birch St., Hayward, CA
Fridays: 3 PM-7 PM Saturdays: 10 AM-4 PM
Appointments are available for either location online – use this registration form to make an appointment today.
Youth COVID-19 Messaging Contest
Over the summer, the Health Care Services Agency (HCSA) partnered with eight youth-serving organizations to host a youth-led COVID-19 health promotion and prevention messaging contest. Youth and young adults ages 13 to 24 created and designed content in four categories, and submissions moved through internal competitions across the eight participating organizations before being promoted to a countywide final competition.
Residents and/or employees in Alameda County may vote before October 15.
Entries with the most votes will be recognized by the Board of Supervisors and have their work shared featured in HCSA’s messaging campaigns. Congratulations to all the finalists, and please cast your vote today!
Pandemic EBT Benefits Extension
Pandemic EBT (P-EBT) benefits have been extended until December 11, 2020.
Families already receiving P-EBT benefits (except for those whose children have graduated/completed instruction) will be issued new cards and benefits beginning this month through December 2020.
The California Department of Social Services (CDSS) is hosting two Stakeholder Information Sessions on the P-EBT extension this week. Please do not double register. Each session will cover the same information. .During these stakeholder information sessions, CDSS will provide more info regarding the P-EBT extension including eligibility and timeline for issuance.
P-EBT Stakeholder Session #1 Thursday, October 15 from 1:30 to 2:30pm Register Online
P-EBT Stakeholder Session #2 Friday, October 16 from 11:00 to 12:00pm Register Online
Upcoming Community Events
How to Build a Thriving Food Economy in Alameda County Webinar Thursday, October 15, 2020 3:00 p.m. RSVP on Zoom Questions: Email Maryruth Belsey Priebe
Hear from Maryruth Belsey Priebe, author of Alameda County Circular Economy for Food and other guests to discuss what it will take to reset priorities to build a healthier, more sustainable food economy in Alameda County.
Supervisor Chan’s COVID-19 Community Update Wednesday, October 21, 2020 5:30 PM-7 PM RSVP on Eventbrite Questions: Email Sarah Oddie
Hear from the Alameda County Health Care Services Agency, ALL IN Alameda County, the Alameda County Office of Homeless Care and Coordination, and the Alameda County Social Services Agency on how Alameda County is responding to the COVID-19 crisis and providing services in our community.
Free Flu Vaccination Clinic Saturday, October 24, 2020 9 am-12 pm
Alameda Hospital Parking Lot 2070 Clinton Ave., Alameda, CA
Limited Supply. First come, first served.
COVID-19 precautionary measures will be followed – masks and social distancing are required
Stay Informed
For updates on COVID-19, visit one of the following dedicated web pages from trusted public health agencies:
Get Involved: Community Board and Commission Positions Available
Alameda County Board and Commission Openings
Apply today for one of the District 3 vacancies on the following Alameda County Boards and Commissions:
- Public Health Commission
- Assessment Appeals Board (must be a real estate broker)
For more information or to apply for any Board or Commission, visit the Clerk of the Board's Get Involved page.
Alameda County Oakland Community Action Partnership (AC-OCAP) Board Openings
AC-OCAP is now accepting applications for community representatives from CDBG District 1 in Oakland, and Alameda County. These open seats must be filled by a representative from the low-income community. Visit AC-OCAP's website for the Board Opening applications.
CDBG District 1 (Oakland) encompasses North Oakland. Please review the City of Oakland Application Guidelines for selection criteria and a map of CDBG districts in the City of Oakland (note: these districts have different boundaries from the City Council districts).
Alameda County representatives must live in Alameda County (excluding the cities of Oakland and Berkeley). Please review the Alameda County Application Guidelines for selection criteria.
The AC-OCAP Board is comprised of 18 members that represent public official representatives in Oakland and Alameda County, private groups and interests, and not fewer than a third are democratically elected/selected representatives from the low-income community.
Testing for COVID-19 in Alameda County
In partnership with community partners, ACPHD is operating free COVID-19 testing locations throughout the county.
Testing is free and available to anyone with or without symptoms at all community testing sites in Alameda County, and is highly recommended for health care, front line, or essential workers and anyone who attended protests or other large public gatherings.
You will not be asked about immigration status and do not need insurance at any of these locations.
Community testing sites located in District 3:
La Clinica de la Raza Fruitvale BART Station E 12th Street and 36th Avenue Monday-Friday, 8 AM- 5 PM Drive-through and walk-up available
Testing is by appointment only. To make an appointment, call 510-535-3370 (Spanish and English).
Native American Health Center 3050 International Blvd, Oakland, CA 94601 Tuesday & Thursday, 9 AM – 7 PM Saturday, 10 AM – 4 PM
This is a pedestrian-access site.
Additional free testing locations:
Roots Community Health Center 9925 International Blvd., Oakland, CA Monday - Wednesday, Friday: 9:30 AM-3:30 PM Outdoor walk-up COVID-19 testing
Registration is not required, but appointments can be made online or at 510-777-1177 NOTE: there is no drive-up option at this site, and street parking is limited.
West Oakland Health Center 700 Adeline St., Oakland, CA Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 8:30 AM-1 PM Saturday: 8:30 AM-12:30 PM
Testing is by appointment only and can be made online at
Skywest Golf Course 1401 Golf Course Rd. Hayward, CA 94541 Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 4:00PM
Register here or call (510) 583-5333
Alameda County Fairgrounds (Gate 12) 4501 Pleasanton Ave., Pleasanton, CA Gate 12 is off of Valley Ave. and follow signage to testing site Monday – Friday: 9 AM - 1 PM
Testing is only open to residents of Pleasanton, Dublin, or Livermore who are 10 years of age or older.
For more information and guidance on COVID-19 testing, visit ACPHD's Testing for COVID-19 page.
Community Resources
I am committed to ensuring District 3 residents receive the services and supports they need. My District Office team is available to provide information on resources and connect you to services. Please contact my Main Office at 510-272-6693 for further assistance.
Alameda County Care Connect has provided the community with a COVID-19 Rapid Response Resource Guide, which will be updated on a weekly basis. This document provides information on numerous services available from local, state, and federal government agencies, public transportation agencies, and utility companies.
Food Access Resources
Alameda County Community Food Bank (ACCFB): ACCFB’s helpline can help connect you to a source for groceries or a hot meal today. Call the helpline at 1-800-870-FOOD (3663) or 1-510-635-3663. The helpline is available in multiple languages and operates Monday-Friday, 9 AM-4 PM. You can also visit for an online directory of food distribution sites near you.
School Meals: The Alameda County Office of Education (ACOE) maintains a list of school districts in Alameda County that offer free meals to families who have children enrolled in the district’s schools. Visit ACOE’s “Meal Service by District” page for more information on your child’s school district.
Resources for Immigrant Communities
Oakland Undocumented Relief (OUR) Fund: Offers financial support for immigrant Oaklanders who have lost income due to COVID-19. To apply for or donate to OUR Fund, visit Centro Legal’s website.
Legal Aid at Work (Ayuda Legal Laboral) Resource Guide: offers a list of financial services available to undocumented workers in California who have been impacted by COVID-19. This resource guide is updated on a weekly basis and is available in English, Spanish, and Chinese.
Immigrants Rising resource guide provides a list of resources available for undocumented immigrants. Recursos para inmigrantes sobre COVID-19 en español—utilice este enlace
California Immigrant Policy Center’s (CPIC) COVID-19 Resource Guide provides information on accessing health care, obtaining information on COVID-19 in multiple languages, economic resources, and information on immigration rights.
Public Comment Procedures for Board of Supervisors Meetings During Shelter in Place
Procedures for Board of Supervisors meetings are subject to change to improve videoconferencing tools. Please check the Board of Supervisors' website for the most up-to-date guidelines.
The Alameda County Board of Supervisors will continue to conduct essential government business at our regularly scheduled Board meetings.
While in-person participation is limited to essential personnel, we are committed to providing the public with live broadcast and remote opportunities to participate in public comment during the Shelter in Place order. The following guidelines allow for public participation in Board meetings while following safe social distancing practices:
Remote Viewing/Listening: Members of the public who wish to watch the Board of Supervisors meetings, are encouraged to view the live stream online at:
We recommend against using Internet Explorer to view the meetings. We recommend using Google Chrome or other browsers to view the meetings.
Public Comment via Teleconference: Members of the public may address the Board of Supervisors on a matter on the agenda or during the Public Input portion of the meeting on a matter not on the agenda but is an issue within the Board’s subject matter jurisdiction.
To observe the meeting by video conference, please click on this link to join the webinar at the noticed meeting time.
- If you are using a laptop:
Use the "Raise Hand" button to indicate you would like to speak or provide public comment. When you are called to speak, unmute your speaker.
- If you are listening to the meeting by phone:
Use the numbers listed on the Zoom/Teleconferencing Guidelines. Dial *9 to raise your hand to speak. If you decide not speak, you may hang up and dial back into the meeting or simply notify the Clerk you do not wish to speak when you are unmuted and asked to speak.
Written Comment (accepted until the start of the meeting at 9:30 a.m., unless otherwise noted on the meeting agenda).
To provide written comment on an item on the agenda or to address the Board about an issue during Public Input, you may send an email to
Please include your name and note the agenda item number you want to address or whether you intend for comment to be included in Public Input. Copies of all written comments will be provided to the Board Members and will be added to the official record.
ADA Accessibility: If you require a reasonable modification or accommodation for a disability, please email the Clerk of the Board at or call (510) 208-4949.